
Friday, January 15, 2010

Cat Called Up For Jury Duty

This is no joke:

Someone is getting called for jury duty...but it's no human.

A family is trying to figure out how their pet cat was summonsed for jury duty.

“I said, Sal, what’s this? You know, I don’t believe it I was shocked,” said Guy Esposito, Sal’s owner.

Sal’s owners, Guy and Anna Esposito, think they may know the source of the mix up: Sal really is a member of the family, so on the last Census form, Anna Esposito listed him under “pets”.

“I just wrote ‘Sal Esposito’, scratched out the ‘dog,’ and wrote, ‘cat,’” said Anna.

Anna filed for Sal’s disqualification of service. However, the jury commissioner was unmoved and denied the request.

Sal’s service date at Suffolk Superior Court{this is in Boston Massachusetts-rm} is set for March 23. Anna said that if the issue isn’t cleared up by then, she will simply have to bring the cat to court.

I bet my dollar to your dime ACORN filled out the census form for them, and the cat was listed as voting for Obama in '08.

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