
Monday, January 25, 2010

Diane Sawyer Awestruck Over Israeli hospital in Haiti

I wonder if this might just change how Diane Sawyer will treat newscasts on Israel in future ABC reports?

The Jerusalem Posts' David Horovitz has more on what effect the Israeli medical teams are having in Haiti. One thing he doesn't mention is that the Israelis are already bringing Haitian refugees to a haven in Israel, just as they did with refugees from Darfur.

Not a perfect country by any means, but a beacon of light compared to their adversaries.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. louielouie6:33 PM

    I wonder if this might just change how Diane Sawyer will treat newscasts on Israel in future ABC reports?

    apparently ff scored some really good stuff before this posting..........

  2. Anonymous5:40 AM

    What an inspiring story - the children of Israel have dealt with such tragedy throughout history - it is no surprise that Israel knows how to best respond to the situation in Haiti. Thanks Be to God.

  3. B.Poster11:19 AM

    "I wonder if this might change how Diane Sawyer will treat newscasts on Israel in future ABC reports?"

    I certainly hope so. Good public relations is a very important part of international relations. As I've stated here and elsewhere, the use of this personnel by Israel in Haiti, on the surface, does not seem to make much strategic sense. What if Israel should find itself at war with its neighbors in the next few days? What if Israel should be subjected to a massive terrorist attack in the next few days (an act of war in and of itself)?

    In this case, these personel would be needed in Israel. The cost of transporting this personel to and from Israel, especially on short notice is no doubt very expensive. Also, if war should break out between Israel and its neighbors while this personnel is away from Israel. During the time it takes to get these people back to Israel Israeil lives could be placed in danger.

    The first tenet of good government is to look out for the welfare of its citizens. If this results in a public relations gain for Israel, the actions may have been worth it.

    If I were in a disaster of this magnitude, I would welcome any and all aid that any one could send me be it from the US government, foreign governments, the UN, or private individuals, however, I WOULD NOT expect someone to jepordize or undermine the needs of their own countries or families in order to get such aid to me.

    Finally, it makes me proud of my country and of Israel to see us step up and attempt to help these people while many ohter nations are not doing so. I think this is part of what makes us special.

  4. B.Poster11:20 AM

    "Not a perfect country but a beacon of light compared to their adversaries." This is so true. I also think we could say the same thing about America.
