
Monday, January 11, 2010

Sarah Palin Continues to Out-FOX The Competition

You can literally feel the steam coming out of the Angry Left's ears at the news that Governor Sarah Palin has signed on with FOX as a contributor:

Sarah Palin’s supporters have reason to cheer, and perhaps lament, the media news leaked to the New York Times this morning. The former governor and VP candidate will become a Fox News analyst, signing a multi-year deal for appearances as a political pundit. That gives Palin an even larger stage, but might mean that she’s looking at a longer game plan than some may want:

The network confirmed that Ms. Palin will appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multi-year deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.

Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person familiar with the deal said, though she will host an occasional series that will run on the network from time to time. This person would not elaborate, but the network does have a precedent for such a series. Oliver L. North is the host of an occasionally running documentary series on the military called “War Stories.”

...However, a multi-year deal may mean that Palin will wait to run for higher office. She could either go for the Senate or the presidency next, but either way, she’d have to start building a campaign no later than a year from now. Media outlets generally cut off analysts when they start building campaigns to avoid the necessity of giving opponents free air time for responses. A multiyear deal doesn’t preclude the possibility of entering into a campaign in 2011, but it indicates that Palin isn’t yet envisioning such a step.

Maybe she isn't...but maybe she is. As I've remarked before on more than one occasion, Governor Palin is an extremely sharp individual, about as far removed from the cartoon character portrayed by the media as one could imagine.

I'd be very surprised if the Arctic Fox didn't keep her options open, with provisions allowing her to get out of her contract easily if she decides to run for office in 2012 or any other time. If becoming a major media star was the sum of her ambitions, she'd have opted for a regular show and with her following, there's no question Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch would have given it to her.

During the time between his failed try for the presidency in 1976 and his second, successful attempt in 1980, Ronald Reagan wrote a regular national column that gave him a media presence but didn't interfere with his making speeches nationwide.

Sarah Palin is just doing an updated version.Think of this as her FaceBook page on a whole different level.

It will continue the process she started by writing her book and appearing on Oprah of letting the American people get to know her, in an environment she controls.Not only that, but she'll be in a position to publicize conservative candidates, who will then owe her favors.

If she decides to run in 2012, this is a brilliant move on her part.

I can't wait for the time she appears on FOX in the same slot as Katie Couric - and absolutely destroys Couric ratings-wise.

You go, Governor!


  1. I did a post the other day on the growing populism in the electorate. It's going to continue to grow as people like Steele simply don't see what voters do: the political class in general is a FAIL.

    Palin is an exception to that for many people.

    Where she goes from here will certainly be worthy of watching. Which is more than I can say for oh, Newt & Crew.

  2. louielouie5:23 PM

    i've been coming to J/P for, oh, a couple of weeks now.
    and i can say that, imo, FF could have hisself a sweetheart deal such as this.
    if not for his association with, and continuing to be linked with, that damn monkey.

  3. Excellent point, Dymphna. Sarah Palin is thus far th eonly major US politician who seems to have tapped into this energy.

    What can I say, Louie? Actually, Monkey tried to talk me into being his running mate if and when, but that was a zoo I had no desire to get involved with..although some of the Weekend Monkey for President girls were quite attractive.


  4. B.Poster9:21 PM

    Sarah Palin quit mid stream as governor of Alaska. Freedom Fighter has made some sense of this and done a decent job of explaining this, especially the attempts by the left to bankrupt her and her family. Unfortunately Mrs. Palin has made no real attempt that I'm aware of to publicly explain this decision. Until she does I don't see how she has any chance of public office.

    Her opponent in a primary or general election will have a fiedl day with this. The saying will go something like, "if she quit in Alaska, how do we know she won't quit again when the going gets tough or something better comes along?"

    Please understand I like Sarah Palin. It is just until she does something concrete to address this I don't think she has any real chance of getting nominated for any office or winning any office.

    Finally, it is my sense that the leaders of the RNC do not like her. In fact, I think the DNC, leading Democrats, leading Republicans, and the RNC are all in agreement on this issude. They all dispise Sarah Palin. As such, I don't envision the RNC giving her the nomination. In fact, it is my sense that the Republican party leadership would rather take the party to extinction than work with Mrs. Palin or her supporters in any meaningful way. Perhaps I'm wrong about this.

  5. B.Poster9:22 PM

    Sarah Palin quit mid stream as governor of Alaska. Freedom Fighter has made some sense of this and done a decent job of explaining this, especially the attempts by the left to bankrupt her and her family. Unfortunately Mrs. Palin has made no real attempt that I'm aware of to publicly explain this decision. Until she does I don't see how she has any chance of public office.

    Her opponent in a primary or general election will have a fiedl day with this. The saying will go something like, "if she quit in Alaska, how do we know she won't quit again when the going gets tough or something better comes along?"

    Please understand I like Sarah Palin. It is just until she does something concrete to address this I don't think she has any real chance of getting nominated for any office or winning any office.

    Finally, it is my sense that the leaders of the RNC do not like her. In fact, I think the DNC, leading Democrats, leading Republicans, and the RNC are all in agreement on this issude. They all dispise Sarah Palin. As such, I don't envision the RNC giving her the nomination. In fact, it is my sense that the Republican party leadership would rather take the party to extinction than work with Mrs. Palin or her supporters in any meaningful way. Perhaps I'm wrong about this.

  6. Unfortunately Mrs. Palin has made no real attempt that I'm aware of to publicly explain this decision. her book.It's all there.


  7. B.Poster6:10 PM

    I'll read the book time permitting. Personally I like Mrs. Palin. I think it would make an interesting read. The problem is most of the electorate is not going to read the book. At least not enough of the electorate will read the book to make any differnece in the elction.

    She needs to explain the decision to quit Alaska's Governorship directly to the American people. Perhaps her slot on Fox News will give her the opportunity to do this. Preferably this should be explained effectively in a sound bite if at all possible. For better or worse, this is how most people get their news.

    You pointed out the attempts of the Left to bankrupt her and her family. If she could put this in a sound bite and use her slot on Fox News to get this out, perhaps she can over come this. Unfortunately her adversaries both in the Demcorat and Republican parties have had a huge head start with this issue. She faces an uphill battle to overcome this.

    Frankly, at this point, I don't see how she can. Even top political strategist for the Clintons, Dick Morris once pointed out what a hurdle this is. To be blunt, if the best she is going to do to overcome this is to discuss it in her book, she may as well quit now. As I stated previously, I like Mrs, Palin. As such, I wish I could be more opptimistic.
