
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today's Must Reads, 1/12/10

Welcome to today's must reads in news, politics and opinion, hand picked by Natasha.

Feel free to send anything you find that you feel is worthy of a look to me at and I'll review it. This includes stuff you write yourself. Or if you prefer, you can send it attention Natasha, our official must reads Avatar..she loves mail.

  • CNN: Congressional Black Caucus Backs Harry Reid

    What a surprise, eh?

  • Gateway Pundit: Ann Coulter to Al Sharpton: “Did Harry Reid Ask You to Stop Using Your Negro Dialect Too?”

    A must see!

  • Widely divergent polls in Massachusetts Senate election

  • Byron York :Desparate Dems try to Palinize Massachusetts Senate Race

  • Neo-Neocon : Can Mr. Brown go To Washington?

  • Video: Scott brown - 'It's not Kennedy's seat, it's the people's seat'
  • That could be the money quote of the election right there.

  • Right Wing News: Liberal Pollster Shows Brown Ahead

  • Rasmussen: Looking closer at the Massachusetts senate polls

  • common sense from an authoritative voice.

  • Thomas Friedman, NYT:Muslim World Must Publicly Denounce Jihad Terrorism

  • Washington Times: Obama's havoc to the US intel system

  • Der Spiegel :Interview with General Stanley McChrystal - how to win in Afghanistan
  • As always, a superb interview from Germany's Der Spiegel. This one is with our commanding general in Afghanistan and sheds considerable light on what's happening.

  • Fausta :Panty bomber Abdulmutallab's London al-Qaeda connection

  • WSJ: Taking the Measure of Obama's Foreign Policy

  • John Bolton/WSJ:Let's Take Bureaucracy Out of Intelligence

  • WSJ:The Administration has ways of making terrorists not talk.

  • The Brookings Institute :The Narco-Jihad

  • Robert Kagan: Obama's Year Of Failed Diplomacy

  • Victor Davis Hanson : 2010, our year of decision

  • Associated Press:Stimulus a failure

  • Pajamas Media
    Fannie and Freddie - Frauds by design

  • CNBC: Chris Dodd - ObamaCare 'hanging by a thread'

  • Phyllis Schlafley :10 reasons ObamaCare can still be killed

  • Philip Caputo/Atlantic:The Fall Of Mexico

  • The Hill :US Chamber of Congress sayas Obama's policies will lead to 'double dip' recession

  • CBS :The Copenhagen Junket - 20 members of Congress get all expenses paid trip

  • Jerusalem Post :Islamists in Algeria burn and loot Protestant church

  • Adnan Khan, Maclean's:Pakistan: An Insurgent's Paradise

  • Jerusalem Post:Israel to Turkey - If you want a fight, we'll fight!

  • Jerusalem Post:US Iran sanctions to be targeted, mild - Obama Administration to block bills which would affect refined fuel imports

  • Pam Geller/American Thinker:Obama Aids the Enemy He Will Not Name

  • Jihad Watch:CAIR's Honest Ibe Hooper caught boasting about getting Saudi money -- which he has denied getting in public

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