
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Watcher's Council Nominations..Light Skinned, And Without Any Dialect Unless We Wanna

Does anybody identify the people in the picture?

Welcome to the latest edition of the Watcher's Council nominations, some of the best writing from a group of the most incisive blogs in the`sphere. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one of their own and one from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The Council votes to pick the winners in each category and the results can be seen in this space on Friday morning.


No one took advantage of our generous link whorage offer this week, earning an honorable mention. If you wish to have your blog earn an honorable mention and have a piece of yours appear on the Watcher's Council page next week, the opportunity is open and up for grabs.

Here's how you do it:
  • Make a post on your site linking to this week's Council winners when they're posted Friday morning.

  • Send me an e-mail by Tuesday 5 PM with the subject line 'link whorage' at with a link to the post you wrote linking to this week's winners and a link to a new piece you've written and want to showcase that you want to appear here the following week.

  • We''ll do the rest, and the increased traffic and the resulting fame and notoriety are all yours!

  • So, without further ado, let's see what we have this week....

    Council Submissions

    Non-Council Submissions

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