
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blackwater Rescued Congressman Who Bad Mouthed Them

By now,many of you are familiar with hypermouth 'progressive' Alan Grayson, a Democrat in Congress noted for particularly brainless partisan attacks("The Republican health care plan is this: 'Don't get sick, and if you do get sick, die quickly.'" , “I apologize to the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in America" and "We can't run this country based on Republican hissy fits.")

One of his pet targets ( along with Republicans in general) has been Blackwater Security, saying things like "We're not going to let the defense contractors use our money to bribe our government and take it over.We can't let, basically, Blackwater take over the entire government here. We have to draw the line somewhere."

Ironically, Grayson now has reason to thank his lucky stars Blackwater was around when he needed them:

Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Florida, narrowly escaped harm earlier this week after being caught up in a military coup in the African country of Niger.

Grayson's press secretary, Todd Jurkowski, confirmed to CNN that Grayson was close to the action. "He heard the gunshots. They were literally in the building next door."

The outspoken congressman was in Niger as part of a congressional delegation focused on science, technology and humanitarian relief, according to Jurkowski. When the situation began to unravel, Grayson was taken to the residence of the United States Ambassador to Niger, where he was placed under armed protection.

The protection and Grayson's evac were provided by none other than Blackwater, now known as Xe Security.

But do you think, just maybe, that he might develop a little respect for the people who risked their lives to save his worthless behind? Are you kidding?

Todd Jurkowsk, Rep. Grayson's spokesman, says the congressman's office is still trying to confirm whether he was in fact evacced by Presidential Airways. "The flight was arranged through the State Department," Jukowski says. "The Congressman did not know, and frankly did not care, who owned the plane.” On the subject of contractors, Jurkowski added, "The Congressman does not deny that there is admirable work being done by some employees of private contractors. However, he stands by his criticism of companies who have been found to cheat the American people, defraud our government, and unnecessarily risk the lives of members of our military, all in the name of making a profit."

Note to Blackwater/Xe - next time, do yourselves and us a favor and leave this waste of space behind.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. louielouie12:32 PM

    However, it is exceptable for elected officials to cheat the American people, defraud our government, and unnecessarily risk the lives of members of our military, all in the name of making a profit."
