
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CPAC Refuses To Cave To CAIR - A Win For The Anti-Jihad Movement

As part of the upcoming CPAC convention, a session on jihad and free speech was scheduled, including my pals the one and only Pam Geller from Atlas Shrugged and best-selling author Robert Spencer from Jihad Watch, both of whom are featured on the blogroll of this site and thus recommended to the members of Joshua's Army.

It didn't take long for the infamous Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR to get into the act with the typical Islamist regard for free speech, and Pam relates what happened next:

The Islamic Supremacists are trying to shut down free speech, and especially speech that reveals who they are, what they are doing, and how they are infiltrating America at senior levels of the Pentagon, FBI, CIA DoD, DHS.

Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the unindicted co-conspirator and front for the Muslim Brotherhood CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), said, "They're free to be anti-Muslim bigots if they like, but it's really up to the organizers of CPAC to determine if they're going to allow their conference to be associated with the hate-filled views of those who will be speaking."

Why doesn't FOX explain who CAIR is? Why don't they read the documents from the Holy Land trial? Why do they cover for this subversive organization? And why do they run everything they say unchallenged while smearing me in every other paragraph?

Why am I called a bigot by a vocal anti-semite, unchallenged?

Perhaps Saudi Prince Al-waleed bin Talal, who owns a nice chunk of NewsCorp stock might have some thing to do with the way the FOX article Pam references is written..just maybe.

As you can see from the poster above, the speaker's list is a pretty impressive one. Aside from Pam and Dr. Spencer, there's Steve Coughlin, a Pentagon expert on Islamism and the Muslim Brotherhood and its penetration into American society who was a bit too good at his job and ended up forced out; Anders Gravers and Elizabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, two prominent European leaders of the anti-Islamization movement in Europe; The courageous Wafa Sultan, an outspoken female voice for women's rights in Islam who experienced the Islamist mindset first hand; Simon Deng,an ex-slave who escaped from Muslim slavery in the Sudan and bears articulate witness to the jihad in the Sudan against blacks;and ex-Lieutenant Colonel Alan West, an upcoming congressional candidate who is a powerhouse speaker on this subject.

These are the people CAIR tried to stifle as 'anti-Muslim bigots':

"It's unfortunate that a conservative conference would be in any way associated with Muslim bashers and Islamophobes," said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "It's a free country. They're free to be anti-Muslim bigots if they like, but it's really up to the organizers of CPAC to determine if they're going to allow their conference to be associated with the hate-filled views of those who will be speaking."

Uhh, it's about freedom and the Constitution, Saddiq. I wouldn't expect you to understand, for obvious reasons.

The good news is that CPAC essentially told CAIR to pound sand, as CPAC Director Lisa De Pasquale said that the conference would go on as scheduled in spite of CAIR:

De Pasquale said she's not concerned about any controversy generated by the Jihad panel event. She said that while the discussion is a part of CPAC, "it is not an official CPAC event." Rather, it's hosted by one of the CPAC co-sponsors, David Horowitz' Freedom Center.

"We have different perspectives among the co-sponsor events and we don't want to censor any group from being able to invite people to attend their forums," De Pasquale said.

This is a big win, and Pam and the Freedom Defense Initiative deserve a huge high five.

please helps me write more gooder!

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