
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

MSNBC Commentator Calls GOP Candidate Marco Rubio A 'Coconut"

Mess NBC leftard Donny Deutsch used the racist term 'coconut' to refer to Florida GOP Senate frontrunner Marco Rubio last night on the Joy Behar show. The Urban Dictionary correctly defines the term as referring to someone who is 'brown on the outside but white inside' which is pretty funny coming from the pasty white complected Deutsch. Rubio, of course, is of Cuban extraction. Here's a partial transcript:

JOY BEHAR: Let's talk about the Republican Party. They're becoming- You're a brander. You know about that. They are the party of no. And that's not a good thing.

DONNY DEUTSCH: It's not a good thing. But what they figured out, finally, unfortunately, in the last six weeks, if you think about Brown winning, if you think about in Virginia where they won, if you think about this guy Rubio they're pushing in Florida, they're understanding that just this vitriolic, "We hate Obama. The world is bad," the Sarah Palins of the world, the Dick Cheneys of the world, the Rush Limbaughs, is unelectable. Let's put forward a fiscal conservative, socially- what appears to be socially moderate in terms of whatnot [sic], that's the electable candidate. So they're getting it. There's a difference between-

BEHAR: Who is that person?

DEUTSCH: It's basically it's a Scott Brown. And once again. It's amazing. They're talking about presidential timber. He's never done anything in his whole life. That's the whole thing. It's the blank piece of paper people can assign things to. One of the reasons, interestingly enough, I think we are a society of no right now. One of the reasons Obama got elected, because he was a blank page. You could assign hope to him.

BEHAR: That's true.

DEUTSCH: We're such a media frenzy, 24/7 world that almost anybody that's been around too long, there's so much "no" attached to it, that you almost need that blank piece of paper. That's the new model. Like, you know, this coconut Rubio down in Florida. You know-

Needless to say, überleftard harridan Joy Behar had absolutely nothing to say about Deutch's language...because as we all know, when the Left does racism it's okay.

This act turned unintentionally comic when Behar and Deutsch went on to smear the tea party movement for racism:

BEHAR: So, basically, these people, the tea partiers are basically angry with the right and the left for the same reason, that there's fiscal irresponsibility?

DEUTSCH: No, they're angry- they're basically- their argument is- and I think there's a lot of racism underneath it- is- "He, they, are taking your civil liberties away. They're stomping on the Constitution. They're telling us how many bullets we can have in our guns." Mess NBC going to call for Deutsch and Behar to apologize? We'll see, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

please helps me write more gooder!

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