
Friday, February 19, 2010

Never Underestimate The Israeli Sense Of Humor

In this case, it's taking the mickey out of the Brits being all in a lather over whether the Mossad carried out the assassination of a Hamas cockroach in Dubai.

Check out this tweet from the Israeli embassy in London:

Uhhh...except the 'hit' the link refers to goes to a story about Israeli tennis phenom Shahar Peer pulling off an upset and knocking off top ranked Caroline Wozniacki 6-2, 7-5 to reach the quarterfinals of the Dubai Championship!


Courtesy of William at the one and only Le'gal In'sur'rec'tion

Oh,by the way, you might remember Shahar Peer..she wasn't allowed to participate in the Dubai open last year because she was a Jew and was refused the visa Dubai gives to the occasional Jew to enter the country..

What changed this year is that the Women's Tennis Association made noises about dropping Dubai after Peer was refused a visa at the last minute, and The Tennis Channel refused to televise it.And Barclay's Bank, who sponsored the tournament reaped a lot of bad press.

I suppose the powers that be in Dubai decided that letting a Jew in to play tennis was worth avoiding the headlines and bad publicity.

please helps me write more gooder!

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