
Monday, March 22, 2010

Another Gitmo Jihadi Walks Free

Mohamedou Ould Slahi was mentioned in the 9/11 Commission report for his role in helping recruit Mohammed Atta and other members of the Al Qaeda cell in Hamburg, Germany, that pulled off 9/11.

According to intel expert Brig. Gen. John Furlow, Slahi was "the highest value detainee" at Club Gitmo and "the key orchestrator of the Al Qaeda cell in Europe."

But hey, this is the Age of Obama, and this creep is walking:

U.S. District Judge James Robertson ( ed. note..a Clinton appointee, of course) granted Slahi's petition for habeas corpus, effectively finding the government lacked legal grounds to hold him. The order was classified, although the court said it planned to release a redacted public version in the coming weeks.

Robertson held four days of closed hearings in the Slahi case last year.

"They were considering giving him the death penalty. Now they don't even have enough evidence to pass the test for habeas," said Nancy Hollander, an Albuquerque, N.M., attorney representing Slahi.

She said she could not comment further because the proceedings were classified. Slahi remains in detention at the U.S. facility in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The government may appeal, and on Monday Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd said the Justice Department was "reviewing the ruling."

Soooo..guess why they're kicking him loose?

Plans to try him by military commission were derailed after prosecutors learned that Slahi had been subjected to a "special interrogation plan" involving weeks of physical and mental torment, including a death threat and a threat to bring Slahi's mother to Guantanamo Bay where she could be gang-raped, officials said.

Although the treatment apparently induced Slahi's compliance, the military prosecutor, Marine Lt. Col. V. Stuart Couch, determined that it constituted torture and evidence it produced could not lawfully be used against Mr. Slahi. we had a high level jihadi in the days after 9/11 with high level connections and knowledge of al Qaeda and future planned operations. But they threatened him to get the intel they needed, the brutes.

"I wanted to stay at Gitmo at least for the tennis tournament, but my lawyer said that once the ruling came in, I would have to leave", said Slahi. "Probably better that way. Anyway, jihad is a full time job sadiq..and it isn't going to happen by itself you know!"

I may have made that last bit up.

One day, we'll get serious about this war we're in. But I have a feeling it will cost us a lot of innocent blood until that happens.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. B.Poster8:00 AM

    "One day we will get serious about this war we're in. But I have a feeling it will cost us alot of innocent blood until that happens."

    I agree. Unfortunately by the time we get serious will it be to late to actually defeat this enemy? Is it to late already?

    I've pointed out numerous times on this blog and elsewhere the Islamic terrorist enemy we face today pose a far greater threat to our country than Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan ever did or likely ever could have posed to America.

    How do we fight this war? Even though the enemy we face today is far more dangerous and stronger relative to us than the ones we faced in WWII, it is different. As such, the strategies that won WWII may not work today. Also, we may not be able to implement some of them either. For example, the economic situation and the general lack of technical expertise among the American population make the kind of military build up during WWII problematic at best.

    With a massive budget deficit, a struggling economy, and a worn down military this is going to be a tall order defeating this enemy will be a tall order? What does vicotry look like? For starters, I think it begins with making the American homeland as secure as we can.

    Some basic things like better border security, closely monitoring the mosques, and greater production of our own oil and gas reserves should definitely happen. Do these things and we will greater utility for our national security interests than any thing we are currently doing.
