
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Watcher's Council Nominations, 3/10/10

The Watcher's Council is a group of some of the most incisive blogs in the`sphere. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one of their own and one from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.

Then we vote, with the results appearing here Friday.

So, let's see what we have this week....enjoy!

Council Submissions

Mere Rhetoric - Obama Giving Up On “Crippling” Iran Sanctions

Colossus of Rhodey - More “logic” from that wisher of death upon Republicans

Wolf Howling - The UK Through Labour’s Looking Glass

Rhymes with RightNomination Of LaRouchie By CD22 Dems Points To Failure Of Houston Media

Bookworm RoomObama Care and abortions

The Provocateur - Ideological Wars Bore Me

American Digest - Massa’s Reason for Resigning. Doing (or not doing) Barney Frank’s Job

JoshuaPundit - Obama Tells Israel They Have No Right To Their Religious Shrines

The Glittering EyeThe Nightmare Scenario

Right Truth - History of Insurance

Non-Council Submissions

Across the Bay - Juan Cole’s Social Protest SUBMITTED by Mere Rhetoric

Reason.comA Libyan Charm Offensive SUBMITTED by Colossus of Rhodey

Big Lizards - Palin and Reagan: Together Again for the First Time SUBMITTED by Wolf Howling

The Volokh Conspiracy - Could National Juries Alleviate the Problem of Political Ignorance? SUBMITTED by Rhymes with Right

Chesler Chronicles - It’s International Women’s History Month and Where is Secretary Clinton? SUBMITTED by Right Truth

American Thinker - Defeat vs. Repeal SUBMITTED by Bookworm Room

Chicago Tribune/John Kass - 24 Has Jumped the Shark SUBMITTED by The Provocateur

Sippican Cottage - Sippican the Rag Man SUBMITTED by American Digest

Joel J. Sprayregen/ American Thinker - Obama’s Iran Policy Collapses to the Accompaniment of Mockery Around the Globe SUBMITTED by JoshuaPundit

Chicago BoyzSeizing the Opportunity to Destroy Western Civilization – SUBMITTED by The Glittering Eye

please helps me write more gooder!

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