
Friday, April 02, 2010

Israel Hits Gaza With Targeted Strikes

After 20 rocket and mortar attacks last month and the killing of two Israeli soldiers by Hamas, the IDF hit the Hamas ruled Gaza Strip with a series of thirteen air attacks,mainly centered around Khan Younis, where the killings occurred:

Israel says there have been at least 20 rocket or mortar attacks in the past month that have landed on its territory, one of which killed a farm worker.

The BBC's Jon Donnison, in Jerusalem, says Israel appears to be sending a signal that whenever there is militant activity inside Gaza it will respond.

In a statement released to the BBC, the Israeli military said Israel would "not tolerate terroristic activity inside Gaza that threatens Israeli citizens".

Deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom told public radio: "If this rocket fire against Israel does not stop, it seems we will have to raise the level of our activity and step up our actions against Hamas."

Even the notoriously anti-Israel BBC can't help admitting that the IDF, as usual, took precautions to preserve civilian lives..something Hamas, sending rockets into Israeli towns could care less about:

Palestinian news agencies reported that Israeli aircraft dropped leaflets over parts of Gaza on Thursday warning residents of retaliation for last Friday's killings of the soldiers in Khan Younis.

They were the first Israeli soldiers to be killed in hostile fire in Gaza in over a year. The military wing of Hamas claimed responsibility for those attacks.

In fact, the attacks against Israel have ramped up so much that even Russian Foreign Minister Serge Lavrov contacted Hamas head Khalid Mashaal in Damascus and asked him to reign them in.

The BBC, of course, sticks with the fiction that the attacks are beyond Hamas' control, citing an 'unidentified correspondent' who is probably a Hamas approved Palestinian stringer working for the Beeb.

The truth? Very little happens in Gaza without Hamas giving the orders.

There's going to be a major clash in Gaza at some point, if nothing else because because Hamas' Iranian masters want one to divert attention from their nukes program.Hopefully this time the IDF will finish the job.

Just a side note...when the Israelis agreed to withdraw from Gaza and evict their own citizens from their homes, one of the assurances they were given by the so-called Quartet of the UN, EU, US and Russia was that they would guarantee that the Gaza Strip was not used as a base to attack Israel.

Worked out well, didn't it?

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. louielouie12:30 PM

    if nothing else because because Hamas' Iranian masters want one to divert attention from their nukes program.

    that would sort of work out for hamass' masters in deecee as well.
    taking attention away from immigration, the VAT, and rescinding the 22nd ammendment.
