
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jerry Brown's Hidden Agenda

My old friend Laer Pierce, a 30-year public-affairs professional is currently involved in writing 'Crazifornia' a novel on how California got so screwed up.

In today's Washington Times, he gets the goods on California's current Attorney General and ex-governor Jerry Brown, who's the front runner to cop california's Dem nomination for Governor:

When Jerry Brown recently held his first fundraiser as an official candidate for governor, he chose as the venue the Sacramento apartment where he lived the last time he held that office, after famously declining to live in the governor's mansion. Faced with multimillionaire Republican opponents, Mr. Brown wants to be seen as just a regular public employee, trying to hold his own against tycoons at the top of America's wealth disparity. While politically expedient, the image of Jerry Brown as everyman is patently false.

Mr. Brown has a lot of money - how much exactly is not public - and unhappily for his environmentalist and global-warming-alarmist supporters, it's oil money. Even more unhappily for his campaign managers, it's money that may have led him to an attack against California's largest employer and a rewriting of state regulations to feather the family nest.

Sacramento Bee political columnist Dan Walters spent months researching the source of the Brown family wealth 30 years ago and recently shared the story with me in his small office crowded with family pictures, catty-cornered from the Capitol.

Read it all here

please helps me write more gooder!

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