
Sunday, April 04, 2010

Obama Lifts Special Airport Screening on Suspect Muslim Countries

Ten days ago, the Obama Administration named Nawar Shora, legal director of the Arab-American Anti-Defamation Committee (ADC), to serve as a senior adviser for the TSA, the federal organization charged with airport security. As Paul over at Power Line reports, the ADC is a highly suspect group, as is Shora himself:

For example, it has been a fierce critic of the Patriot Act since day one. And ADC failed Scott's "Al Arian test" when it claimed that the indictment of Professor Sami Al Arian was "a political witch-hunt, a vendetta, and a kind of very, very ugly post-9/11 McCarthyism." Al Arian eventually pleaded guilty to conspiracy to help the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a specially designated terrorist organization.

Needless to say, the ADC is also rabidly anti-Israel, and Shura himself has a long history of waging lawfare by filing copious and even spurious lawsuits alleging discrimination.

So it's no surprise that a mere ten days after his appointment, the Obama Administration has removed the special restrictions that were placed on travelers to the US States from fourteen countries known to have major connections with Islamist terrorism (Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Cuba) since Omar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the underwear bomber narrowly failed to take out an airliner over Detroit last Christmas Day:

The Obama administration is lifting an emergency order that has required extra airport screening of all passengers flying to the USA from 14 terror-prone countries, two senior administration officials said Thursday.

The emergency order was implemented after the attempted bombing of an airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day.

The new system will treat all passengers flying into the USA the same way, regardless of nationality, said the officials, who were briefed on the policy. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because the policy is not being announced until today.

In other words, they're going back to the same flawed, politically correct system...because in ObamaWorld one must not offend Muslims at any cost,not even to save American lives.

Good luck with that.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. B.Poster7:17 AM

    This is either very, very stupid or very, very evil on the part of Mr. Obama. We know from what back grounds Islamic terrorists are likely to come from. As such, it is experential common sense to want to closely monitor individuals from this back ground.

    Should a terrorist attack be successful I wonder what the reaction of the American people will be. How will they feel about the loosening of airport security? Given that Isamic terrorists are pretty much getting every thing they want from this Administration and the American government right now, would they risk another attack right now? After all this would introduce an unstable element into a situation where they clearly have the upper hand right now.
