
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Vid Of Congressman: "Putting 8,000 Marines On Guam Could Capsize It!"

Ah yes, more proof that Congress is way smarter than you...Hank Johnson, Democrat of Georgia's 4th District. I can't imagine how Admiral Robert Willard managed to answer this guy without laughing out loud.

Of course Johnson's a loyal useful idiot who voted for ObamaCare and all the president's other ideas. Here's another example of this moron in action. He obviously doesn't even know what's in the Constitution he swore an oath to uphold when he took office!

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. B.Poster3:55 PM

    The USA has been blessed over many many years with many smart people. It still has many many smart people. How is it that a nation with many intellegent people can be governed by people who are so stupid?

  2. louielouie10:13 AM

    don't blame hank.
    that's right, you heard me correctly. read me really.
    don't blame hank for this display.
    i'm just curious about something.
    james madison meet hank johnson.
    let's see how long that conversation lasts before madison is hauled in for murder.
    am i advocating physical violence?
    i mean really, what is this guy trying for, speaker of the house, next president?
    while viewing this video, which i used as a dual purpose, of my good friday penance, i was reminded of how ff goads myself for constantly referring to the american people as being dumber than a sack of hair. i use that expression liberally.
    in posting this video i would like to thank ff for making my point. it is indeed the people who elected this individual who are at fault.
    so don't blame hank.
    he's just a dumm mass doing his job.
