
Monday, May 03, 2010

New Details OnTheTimes Square Bombing

Investigators continue to work leads looking for the Times Square bomber

Since the vehicle didn't explode, they were able to trace the owner,who now says he sold the vehicle' to ' a "Middle Eastern" or "Hispanic" looking man for $1,300 cash in $100 bills on Craigslist:

The vehicle identification number on the Pathfinder had been removed from the dashboard, but it was stamped on the engine and axle. Its license plates came from a car found in a Connecticut repair shop.

In addition to this lead, police are also trying to track down a man seen on a surveillance tape released by NYPD earlier this morning, which shows a man in his 40s in Shubert Alley near Times Square removing a dark colored shirt to reveal a red shirt underneath and looking around "furtively."

That man has since been identified by Federal authorities as 'a person of interest' and he has apparently fled

This "person of interest" bought the 1993 Nissan Pathfinder that was abandoned with the engine running - and with primitive, but potentially deadly payload in the rear - just two weeks ago, law enforcement and police sources told The Daily News.

Investigators aren't certain whether he is the same man who drove the rolling bomb to the Crossroads of the World, but he has not been seen by his girlfriend - and has not shown up at his home or job - since the frightening incident on Saturday night.

The Feds have since identified him as a naturalized citizen from Pakistan who was in Pakistan for several months and just returned to the United States recently.As you'll note, they are not revealing his name.

At this point, I'll quote mayor Michael Bloomberg's earlier statement:

"If I had to guess 25 cents, this would be exactly that. Homegrown, or maybe a mentally deranged person, or somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health care bill or something. It could be anything."

What a tool.Although in fairness, he certainly wasn't the only one.

So, what happens next? The obvious thing for someone in the position of this 'person of interest' to do would be to flee the country. Th etwo main routes would be to get on a plane or to try and slog across the Canadian border. If the Feds know his name ( and it appears they do), they could tell if he got away, at least using his own ID. Since they're still looking for him my guess is he didn't get out.

If he's caught, here's a prediction..there's a jihad mosque and a radical Saudi funded imam in the picture.

That said, we'll see what develops.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. louielouie9:32 PM

    If he's caught, here's a prediction..there's a jihad mosque and a radical Saudi funded imam in the picture.

    i'll take that bet.
    here's my prediction.
    he's from oklahoma. most likely a town in the northeastern part of the state. he owns a liquor store. he used to be an engineer. he knows for a fact the current occupant of the white house is a communist. he has for the last six years climbed camelback mountain in phoenix on new years day. his mother passed away in december 2001. he weighs about 255 lbs but is trying desparately to get down to 210 lbs. he has a receeding hairline. he likes rocknroll as well as country&western. he thinks rap sucks. he knows for a fact the current occupant of the white house is a communist. oh wait, i said that already.
    well, if they did blame it on an okie, i bet the kos kids would love it.
