
Friday, May 28, 2010

Update on Sestak-Gate

The latest spin on this is that Rahm Emmanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to approach Setak about a White House job if he dropped out of the race. Of course, that's not exactly how the NYT is putting it:

President Obama’s chief of staff used former President Bill Clinton as an intermediary to see if Representative Joe Sestak would drop out of a Senate primary if given a prominent, but unpaid, advisory position, the White House said on Friday.

Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, asked Mr. Clinton last summer to explore “options of service” on a presidential or senior government advisory board with Mr. Sestak, the White House said in a statement. Mr. Sestak said no and went on to win last week’s Pennsylvania Democratic primary against Senator Arlen Specter.

The White House disputed Republican claims that the conversations might be illegal or improper. “There was no such impropriety,” Robert F. Bauer, the White House counsel, said in a memo released to reporters. “The Democratic Party leadership had a legitimate interest in averting a divisive primary fight and a similarly legitimate concern about the Congressman vacating his seat in the House.”

No, no, not a job in the Obama Administration...just 'options for service'!

I wonder what Obama had to promise Mr. Bill to get him to go along with this fairy tale? Well, at least now we know what the two of them discussed at lunch yesterday, don't we?

I say appoint a special prosecutor and put them all under oath.

After all, Obama's got nothing to worry about since, as Mr. Bill could tell him, the Democrats wouldn't even vote to impeach an indicted Democrat president.

Well, nothing to worry about until after midterms, anyway.

please helps me write more gooder!

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