
Monday, June 07, 2010

Sullivan On Helen Thomas: "Nothing Wrong With Being An Anti-Zionist"

Pretty much the defense you'd expect from a fellow anti-Semite.

Of course, he goes his fellow Jew Hater one better. Not only does he want to Jews to 'raus from 'Palestine' he wants US troops to do the deed.

Swear off dope and get some professional help, Sully.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. I can't find that quote on his blog. Maybe he went back and edited it out?

  2. Technically speaking, he just echoed long-time Israel basher Joel Klein, whom he quoted,

  3. The bit about him wanting US troops to invade Israeli territory and kick Jews out of their homes is a direct quote, however. See the link in the piece.

  4. B.Poster9:44 PM

    The United States military is currently a little busy and spread way to thin. As much as I love our military, it simply does not have the capacity for any more operations, such as an operation in Israel.

    Even if it did have the capacity, the American military is not as well led, as well trained, or as technologically savy as the Israeli military is. As such, the Israelis would easily defeat the American forces.

    Even if the American military and the American government could overcome these obstacles, the land of Israel is decreed by God to the Jews. As such, even if the Americans actually had the capacity to defeat the Israelis on the battlefield which they don't, we should expect God to intervene on behalf of his people.

    If the President or Congress should order yet another military campaign either against Israel or anyone else for that matter, I would hope the generals would have the leadership to revolt against this Government and refuse to comply. If I can figure out we don't have the capacity for another military operation, then they can. Our brave warriors are simply to precious a resource to waste on fruitless efferts. The best way to utilize the services of these brave people is in the area of border security.

  5. B.Poster9:44 PM

    The United States military is currently a little busy and spread way to thin. As much as I love our military, it simply does not have the capacity for any more operations, such as an operation in Israel.

    Even if it did have the capacity, the American military is not as well led, as well trained, or as technologically savy as the Israeli military is. As such, the Israelis would easily defeat the American forces.

    Even if the American military and the American government could overcome these obstacles, the land of Israel is decreed by God to the Jews. As such, even if the Americans actually had the capacity to defeat the Israelis on the battlefield which they don't, we should expect God to intervene on behalf of his people.

    If the President or Congress should order yet another military campaign either against Israel or anyone else for that matter, I would hope the generals would have the leadership to revolt against this Government and refuse to comply. If I can figure out we don't have the capacity for another military operation, then they can. Our brave warriors are simply to precious a resource to waste on fruitless efferts. The best way to utilize the services of these brave people is in the area of border security.
