
Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Today's Primary Results

A number of interesting primaries were held today, and overall th eresults don't bode well for the Democrats in November.

  • In the Arkansas senate race, incumbent Blanche Lincoln squeaked by a far Left Bill Halter. With 80 percent of precincts reporting, Lincoln had 51.7 percent of the vote to Halter’s 48.3 percent.

    The contest attracted a fair amount of attention because of the over $10 million dollars Big Labor poured into the race to defeat Lincoln.

    The bad news for Lincoln is that her Republican opponent Rep. John Boozeman is outpolling her by 25 points.

  • In California, Carly Fiorina will take on incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer inwhat should be a tight race. Meg Whitman takes on ex-Governor Moonbeam , er..Jerry Brown for the governor's job.

    If California's voters send Brown back to Sacramento, look for the state to definitely go under financially.

    I'll be interested to see whether Jane Harmon wins re-nomination in the state’s 36th District. She's a relatively sane and centrist Democrat pitted against Left wing whacko Marcy Winograd.

  • In South Carolina, the race to replace Gov. Mark Sanford is close between Nikki Haley and J. Gresham Barrett, a GOP congressman. Haley is a Sarah Palin endorsee, and the race got particularly noxious because of allegations of infidelity twice, which she fiercely denied.

    After Palin's endorsement and commercials featuring her husband and kids, her poll ratings soared and she beat out seven other Republicans but this one is still too close to call and may end as a runoff between her and Barrett.

  • In Nevada the fight between Republicans Sue Lowden and Sharon Angle to take on Harry Reid is still close, although the AP is calling it for tea party favorite Angle.

    GOP Governor Jim Gibbons became the first governor across the country this year — and the first in the state’s history — to lose a primary contest. Gibbons had lotsa baggage,proof that the old saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas ain't necessarily so.

    Aside from a very public and controversial divorce that featured side action with former Playboy Playmate Leslie Durant, above( who used to be married to the Mayor of Reno), a sexual assault charge, ethics violations, and a federal investigation for undisclosed campaign contributions he really didn't have too many issues.

    He lost to Brian Sandoval, a former federal judge, by a healthy margin.

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