
Thursday, June 03, 2010

Whoopsie - White House Offered CO Senate Candidate A Job To Quit Primary!

This is getting ridiculous. First Joe Sestak and now this:

The White House acknowledged Thursday that it made overtures to Colorado U.S. Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff about a possible administration job as it was trying to steer him away from a primary challenge against Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet.

The statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs came the day after Romanoff revealed that White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina offered to consider Romanoff for three posts as an alternative to his Senate campaign.

They're trying to spin it by claiming Romanoff had applied for a position with USAid during the presidential transition, but that has absolutely no bearing on the White House offering him a position later - after he was already in the Senate primary.

This is, quite simply a federal crime, an offer of something of value contingent on someone's political activity:

Whoever, directly or indirectly, promises any employment, position, compensation, contract, appointment, or other benefit, provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any Act of Congress, or any special consideration in obtaining any such benefit, to any person as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity or for the support of or opposition to any candidate or any political party in connection with any general or special election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Not only did Romanoff name names, but he actually released an e-mail he got from Messina last year describing the positions they had in mind for him.

Now, here's the intriguing part.

Obviously, Rahm Emmanuel was involved, since no deputy Chief of Staff would do this on his own. And if Rahm Emmanuel was involved, it's likely he received his orders directly from Obama, just like with Sestak.

Given that there's a distinct possibility of a clear line to the president here, one has to wonder why they didn't get to Romanoff before hand and offer him an inducement to keep his mouth shut.

And I also wonder how far up the chain of command this is going to end up reaching before someone facing prison time and a fine decides not to fall on his sword and starts talking.

Unlike Gordon Liddy, these people are not particulary noted for loyalty or courage.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. louielouie1:39 PM

    WTH are you talking about?

    And I also wonder how far up the chain of command this is going to end up reaching before someone facing prison time and a fine decides not to fall on his sword and starts talking.

    you're either joking or you're contessa brewer's new boy toy. this is the justus dept. we would be talking about here, correct? and just who is going to pursue any type action you reference in this justus dept. this is eric holder we're talking about here, correct?
    listen to me ff, no one, and i mean no one, is going to do any jail time for anything.
    you could for publishing your essay, but no one in the white house is going to do any jail time, so cool it with the hyperbole.

    Unlike Gordon Liddy, these people are not particulary noted for loyalty or courage.

    you are joking right? these people would line up and start shooting thereselves in the head multiple times if hussein told them to. and they'd do it all on nat'l tv and blame bush for it as well.

    please note that i did not comment on the content of the essay. i'm sure it is factual/accurate. however ff, when you start drawing conclusions as you have done, you continue to make assumptions that we are dealing with rational people and/or grown-ups. these people will do as they please and will continue to thumb their progressive noses at all.

  2. Hi Louie,
    I wouldn't be so sure about the jail time. Nixon's people felt the same way, and a number of them ended up doing time - albeit in 'country club' prisons like Allenwood - except for Liddy, who did fairly hard time at places like Atlanta.

    Also, these people are VERY self-interested. Nothing will happen on this until after the midterms,but if the GOP takes Congress you could see increased pressure for an independent prosecutor that is going to be very hard to resist.

    And an independent prosecutor can grant immunity in exchange for ratting out people.

    No,I don't see jail time or impeachment for BHO, but some of his associated may take the fall in exchange for a presidential pardon at a later date.That's what happened with the McDougals and Ward Hubbel.

    I'm not writing about it, but I'm also watching with interest the Blago trial now underway. The court ruled that Rahm can be subpoenaed, BTW.

    We'll see what happens, eh?

