
Monday, July 19, 2010

Obama And The Apocalypse Blues (Remix Version)

Charles Krauthammer warns us that the first act of Barack Hussein Obama's radical restructuring of America is over, but the second act is set to begin after 2012.

As Krauthammer sees it, Obama is a political mastermind who sees 2012 as the real prize and has pretty much accomplished all he can accomplish in his first term. He advises Republicans not to break out the champagne and underestimate Obama.

He has a point, but an overstated one with a few flaws in it.

True enough..Obama has managed to shove through ObamaCare , a bogus trillion dollar stimulus and now financial 'reform'. All in all, it amounts to a new era in government control and the largest transfer of wealth from the American taxpayers to government and what I refer to as the non-taxpaying class in America's history.

To put it another way, it amounts to the colonization of America's Heartland by the Urban Blue enclaves in places like DC, Chicago and on the coasts, the creation of a well-funded Bourbon elite of bureaucrats, 'activists', government functionaries and academia at the expense of the middle classes and private enterprise.

Obama has made substantial progress towards this goal. But the important thing is, will it hold?

Barack Hussein Obama is far from the political mastermind Krauthammer sees him as. He's made far too many obvious mistakes for that, and the only thing that's kept him from becoming a national joke is his race, the Democrat's majority that's enabled him to push his agenda through and a toadying, sycophantic media. The truth is, he has yet to actually face a political foe on anything like an even playing field since Bobby Rush beat him like a gong in Obama's initial race for a House seat back in Chicago.

He won his Senate campaign against Jack Ryan solely because Ryan's kinky and sealed divorce records were mysteriously leaked to the public by Obama's political allies in Chicago, and John McCain was a candidate even most of his own party disliked who ran one of the most inept campaigns in recent history. Anyone seeing Barack Obama beating him by six points as evidence of political genius would probably see Oscar De La Hoya winning a ten round decision on points over a 50-year-old out of shape bar brawler the same way.

While I agree with Dr. Krauthammer that his Royal Malignancy shouldn't be underestimated, the coming midterms are going to be an important referendum on Obama's presidency. Given that Obama's insane spending, massive tax increases and anti-business legislation has pretty much insured that the economy is going to be the same or worse this November, the Republicans stand to take the House and actually have a decent shot at taking the Senate.

The trick is going to be twofold - first,obtaining a veto proof majority, at least in the House. And second, convincing the American people that things are different now. To do that, they will have to speak honestly to the American people, for a change.

Barack Hussein Obama is not officially on the ballot, but the reality is that he and his presidency are very much the issue.Obama cannot run from his execrable record.The Republicans have to have the courage and ability to hold that record to the light for everyone to see, and let the American people decide for themselves whether they want Obama's enablers back in Congress.

For instance, the Republicans need to once and for all forcefully rebut Obama's whine about how he was left with the 'Bush recession' by reminding the electorate that it is Congress, not the president who makes decisions on the budget and where the money was spent. And since January of 2007, those decisions were in the hands of the Democrat- dominated Congress, including a certain Senator Barack Hussein Obama..who voted for the very spending ( when he bothered showing up) he's now blaming George W. Bush for.

They need to castigate the president for his inept handling of foreign policy, energy, and the disasters in Nashville,Kentucky and the Gulf Oil Spill.They need to promise to restore America's prosperity and its place in the world, just as Reagan did in 1980.

More importantly, the Republicans running for office need to provide an alternative. The must differentiate themselves from what's been happening in Washington and campaign in 2012 on clear-cut conservative principles, without any weaseling. They need to make the case for repealing Obama's agenda completely, lowering taxes, cutting spending and bringing jobs back and they need to do it in those twenty second sound bites that make the media.

A first step in the right direction, and one that will weed out the pretenders is a firm declaration of concrete principles, similar to the one Newt Gingrich masterminded ( and please, don't give the Left a ready made soundbite by naming it something like a 'contract with America).

As our Founders discovered, a written declaration has a number of benefits. It clarifies things and gives people a record of principles and pledges they can refer to. It encourages the strong and trustworthy and weeds out the sideliners and marginal actors. And it goes a long way towards convincing people you are serious.

If the GOP fails to elucidate their principles clearly, if they merely campaign like the latest aspirants to the ruling class, the GOP will go the way of the Whigs.

If the Republicans manage to control a least one house of Congress with a veto proof majority, there's a lot they can accomplish, provided they're clear in their beliefs, unwilling to be co-opted and willing to wage what amounts to war for the country's heart and soul. Or at least, capable of being coerced into doing the right thing.

As I mentioned, Congress, not the president controls budgeting and funding. There's a great deal of Obama's agenda that can be overturned simply by not funding it. For example, take away the funding to pay for the extra IRS agents to oversee the penalties for not abiding by ObamaCare and you cripple it until it can be overturned and repealed. Cut the funding for the numerous overseeing bureaucracies in ObamaCare and financial 'reform' and you essentially make the legislation meaningless.

Another example of what can be done involves issuing subpoenas and appointing a special prosecutor for a number of interesting items the ranking Republican in the House Oversight Committee Daryl Issa has been asking the White House about - so far, without success.A majority in the House and control of that committee gives the Republicans subpoena powers.

Of course, the chief thing the new GOP dominated Congress needs to be charged with is stopping Obama's showpiece for his second act, amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.If that's all the next Congress does, it will be a major victory.

The real purpose of the Democrat party is actually a simple one - bribe people with goodies they didn't earn at the expense of others in exchange for votes and power. It was none other than Benjamin Franklin who declared that the tipping point of our Republic would come when what he referred to as the indigent classes could vote themselves benefits and stipends at the expense of others.

Obama's coalition consists of two groups, one at the top and one at the bottom.At he top are the Bourbon class previously mentioned - the bureaucratic, the well-placed and the academic elites who form what amounts to a privileged ruling class for America at the expense of the rest of us. At the bottom are the non-taxpaying indigent groups, who are to be bribed at the expense of the taxpayers for their votes.

Creating a huge, easily manipulated, poorly educated Democrat-for-life voting bloc is exactly the tipping point Mr. Franklin was talking about. That's the key to the whole ballgame and will decide whether we continue to keep our Republic or descend into civil war when 'the rich' find themselves increasing frozen out of societies' benefits while paying the tab for the ones the government deems more deserving than they are.

If the Republicans succeed in reaffirming who they are and keeping faith with their innate principles , 2012 will be Prez Zero's swan song, not his second act. And more importantly it will be the final victory over the Gramscian warfare unleashed against the United States by the Soviets almost 80 years ago. It will be the start of a difficult but ultimately successful American renewal.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Obama continues to maintain an approval rating in the high 40's in spite of the many things he has said and done which a large majority of people deplore. The problem is there is a large percentage of people who "get something" from left wing politicians and quite honestly they could care less if he was Lucifer himself they would still vote for him. Obama and the far left realize this and that is why they are courting the illegals, not prosecuting the New Black Panthers, giving billions of our money to unions, etc. If in 2012 there are more people who think they will benefit in some way from Obama as president then he will get reelected. If the Republicans put up one of the tired old RINOs then Obama will win in a landslide.

  2. B.Poster11:11 AM

    "He's made far to many obvious mistakes for that..."

    I really don't see what mistakes he's made. He's already gotten every thing he wants passed. As for amnesty, this should not be a problem either at the rate he is going. Assuming his party maintains control of the House and Senate passing amnesty should be farily simply. Simply get it through the House first, as this is the easiest part. Then pass it in the Senate. All Democrats will likely vote for it. All that's left to do is pick off just enough Republicans to avoid a filibuster. Works for them just about every time.

    If the Republicans gain control of the House and Senate, simply apply pressure through big business and other groups wanting amnesty. Also, the media could be used to dig up dirt on those opposed. From here pass amnesty in the House. All Democrats vote for it in the Senate then pick off enough Republcians to avoid a filibuster. It works almost every time.

    If all this fails, simply pass amnesty the same way health care reform was passed, vis "reconciliation" or something like that. In any event, thing work out the way they have for the last 50 years or so. No matter if the R's or the D's technically hold the positions of "power" the agenda of the D's gets advanced at almost every turn and the agenda of the majority of the R's gets thwarted at every turn.

    As the R's run for office and the D's blame the R's for the current situation, the R's should kindly point out to the electorate that the R's have never really had a chance to see much of their agenda enacted. The D's have the best of all worlds. If something works, they can take credit for it. If it fails, blame it on the R's. Of course the D's are aided and abetted in this scheme by a complicit media.

    Finally, once they get amnesty for all of these illegals, they must understand that many of these people have agendas that are not going to be compatiable with their agenda. Will the American government be able to control these people? Have they even thought about that? For example, Mexico still seethes over the lands lost in the Mexican/American war. They want these lands back. This is something we might want to think about before charging ahead and granting "amnesty."

    Additional food for thought, China needs energy supplies for its growing economy. The US sits on massive oil, gas, and coal reserves. The Chicoms are eyeing this. For this to work out for them, the current inhabitants of the land called the United States will either need to get off of the land or they will need to be subjicated. Possibly their numbers will need to be significantly reduced to make them more manageable for the Chicoms. Given Mexico's cozy relations with China, perhaps the powers that be in America should be worried. Maybe amnesty is not such a good idea.

  3. B.Poster11:11 AM

    "He's made far to many obvious mistakes for that..."

    I really don't see what mistakes he's made. He's already gotten every thing he wants passed. As for amnesty, this should not be a problem either at the rate he is going. Assuming his party maintains control of the House and Senate passing amnesty should be farily simply. Simply get it through the House first, as this is the easiest part. Then pass it in the Senate. All Democrats will likely vote for it. All that's left to do is pick off just enough Republicans to avoid a filibuster. Works for them just about every time.

    If the Republicans gain control of the House and Senate, simply apply pressure through big business and other groups wanting amnesty. Also, the media could be used to dig up dirt on those opposed. From here pass amnesty in the House. All Democrats vote for it in the Senate then pick off enough Republcians to avoid a filibuster. It works almost every time.

    If all this fails, simply pass amnesty the same way health care reform was passed, vis "reconciliation" or something like that. In any event, thing work out the way they have for the last 50 years or so. No matter if the R's or the D's technically hold the positions of "power" the agenda of the D's gets advanced at almost every turn and the agenda of the majority of the R's gets thwarted at every turn.

    As the R's run for office and the D's blame the R's for the current situation, the R's should kindly point out to the electorate that the R's have never really had a chance to see much of their agenda enacted. The D's have the best of all worlds. If something works, they can take credit for it. If it fails, blame it on the R's. Of course the D's are aided and abetted in this scheme by a complicit media.

    Finally, once they get amnesty for all of these illegals, they must understand that many of these people have agendas that are not going to be compatiable with their agenda. Will the American government be able to control these people? Have they even thought about that? For example, Mexico still seethes over the lands lost in the Mexican/American war. They want these lands back. This is something we might want to think about before charging ahead and granting "amnesty."

    Additional food for thought, China needs energy supplies for its growing economy. The US sits on massive oil, gas, and coal reserves. The Chicoms are eyeing this. For this to work out for them, the current inhabitants of the land called the United States will either need to get off of the land or they will need to be subjicated. Possibly their numbers will need to be significantly reduced to make them more manageable for the Chicoms. Given Mexico's cozy relations with China, perhaps the powers that be in America should be worried. Maybe amnesty is not such a good idea.

  4. Anonymous6:57 PM

    sorry about the multiple posts here. Does Mr. Obama support amnesty? getting it passed is easy. simply have the house introduce it. Pass it there. since the D's control the House, passage is easy. Will the Senatw fillibuster? No!! the D's can easilýpick off the R's necessary to defeat a fillubuster. if this fails, use "reconciliation" to get amnesty through.

  5. Obama won't have the congress behind him if things go the way we think they will. It will make it very hard for him to push much through. Hopefully. I do love Krauthammer but every now and then I have to disagree with him.

    Right Truth

  6. My, my. Such pessimism!

    1)Actually, Obama's approval ratings on most polls are in the low 40's astounding for a new president halfway through his first term.This is especially true if you look at the more accurate pollsters like Rasmussen who do not oversample Democrats by 15-20% and poll likely voters.

    2)There is not enough time or legislative energy for Zero to pass another major bill before the midterms.Financial 'reform' only went through because Scott Brown and the Maine Gals voted to let it go through. That's highly unlikely for amnestia.

    3) You need to remember how reconciliation works.There has to be a Senate and a House bill passed that need 'reconciliation'. Zero is unlikely to get both before the midterms.

    4)The best chance he has is to get this through during the 'lame duck' session of Congress (November through January)when a bunch of pissed off Democrats who have loss their seats and are not facing another election have nothing to lose anymore. Again, unlikely given the short amount of time and holdable if the Republicans stand together and filibuster.

    5) The chief issues will be Zero's competence and the economy, and that's not going to get better before November.


  7. Good post, now its really up to the repubicans to do their job, unfortunately I don't see that happening anytime soon. Look at the leadership of the republican party and you tell me who you think is going to fit the bill...

  8. louielouie12:03 PM

    i agree with I/P.
    however, i would go as step further and say that some of the republicans are a problem as well.
    having read recently of lugar from indiana's relationship with hussein.
    lugar has got to be an internationalist on the scale of james baker, and has got to be gotten rid of, in the senate.

  9. Lugar is not up for re-election in 2010, and he is fairly popular in his home state.

    The best way to bring the fence sitters along is to take a lesson from our Founders and do what Newt Gingrich did in 2004...make a clear statement of principles and require them to sign on.

    Momentum has it's own coercive effect.
