
Thursday, August 26, 2010

The New Wave In America - Sarah Palin, Col. Allen West and Jesse Kelly Together

This is a signpost to the future.

Here we have Sarah Palin with two of her winning endorsees from last night discussing what they stand for - limited government, American exceptionalism and a return to the principles the Founders left us as a beacon to preserve our Republic.

Along with Joe Miller, another one of Governor Palin's winning picks from last night, Jesse Kelly and Allen West all have something in common..they're all war heroes, successes in private life and not at all pleased with the current state of affairs in Washington.

And they're going to be in the front lines of what will be a revolution in American life.

They will not be easy to stop.

For that matter, Governor Palin herself will not be that easy to stop if she decides to run. Even Mess NBC's resident blowhard Chris Matthews seems to realize it:

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    She stands for limited government, American exceptionalism and a return to the principles the founders left us. Now we know why the left fears her so much that they must destroy her
