
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Castle Will Not Endorse Christine O'Donnell

Last night, I wrote that now were going to find out exactly what kind of Republican Mike Castle is, based on whether he was willing to put the party ahead of his own ego and endorse and work to get Christine O'Donnell,the GOP nominee elected.

We now have our answer...

A senior aide to Rep. Mike Castle told the POLITICO that Mike Castle will definitely NOT be endorsing GOP Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell.

"She is a con artist who won by lying about Castle's positions and her own life," said Kate Dickens, a Castle aide. "Out of state support was enough to pull her through yesterday so she can rely on it through November."

This comes from more than one source, so it's obvious that Castle and his team have no problem with the world knowing it.

Compare this with Sue Lowden, who lost a hotly contested primary in Nevada to Sharron Angle. The first thing Lowden did was to congratulate Angle and endorse her.

At best, Castle would have provided bi-partisan cover for the Obama agenda. At worst, does anyone have any doubts that if this bitter pill had won, Obama would have gotten him to pull an Arlen Spector?

So far, the Republican National Senate Committee is still saying they are not going to give O'Donnell a dime. Hopefully they will eventually come to view things in a more adult manner.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. It seems the voters knew exactly what kind of a creep Castle was and were able to finally get that moneky off their back. Good riddance to him and to heck with Rove and the Republican establishment. She is going to win without them.
