
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Israel And China Sign New Agricultural, Trade Agreements

In a development quite appropriate for the upcoming Sukkot holiday, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and the governor of China's Heilongjiang Province, Mr. Du Jiahao, signed an agricultural cooperation agreement on behalf of Israel and the Chinese government.

The agreement will see the two countries cooperating in terms of assistance in constructing demonstration dairy farms. Israel and the Heilongjiang Province already have extensive agricultural agreements.
During the meeting Ayalon stressed the special relationship between Israel and China, and stated that their friendship is “based on the fact that they are both ancient cultures with historic awareness.” He added that Israel and China’s economies “complement each other. Israel has advanced technology suited to the developing Chinese market and experience in fields that top the Chinese national agenda, such as agriculture and technology.”

Governor Du Jiahao thanked Ayalon for the warm hospitality and added that he was very impressed by Israel. He said that he intends to erect a monument of Jerusalem stone in memory of the Jews who found refuge in Heilongjiang Province during the White Revolution. During that time period, Heilongjiang’s capital, Harbin, provided refuge to tens of thousands of Jews who fled from Russia.

China and Israel have increased their trade relations over the years,mostly in the fields of high tech, telecommunications, agricultural technology ( the Israelis are world leaders in irrigation technology, for example, and bio-medical products.As of 2007, the trade between the two countries had surpassed $4 billion and Israel has a number of trade offices located in China.

I would expect that Israel's trade with China's growing economy is something that is going to increase, especially as Israeli trade with Europe decreases.

please helps me write more gooder!

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