
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Allan Grayson and 10 Other At Risk Democrats Targeted For Pro-Abortion Votes

The blatant use of taxpayer money to fund abortions hasn't been much of an issue in the national campaign - until now.

Blogpal RS McCain has the story in Today's Spectator. Here's a taste:

A Florida Democrat widely considered one of the most endangered incumbents in Congress is the target of a new radio advertisement from a leading national pro-life group.

"Congressman Alan Grayson voted for taxpayer-funded abortions in Nancy Pelosi's health-care bill," says the ad aimed at pro-life voters in Florida's 8th District, south of Orlando. "Alan Grayson doesn't represent Florida values. In Washington, he voted for the largest expansion of taxpayer-funded abortions ever."

An outspoken liberal, Grayson was called the "most loathsome member of Congress" by Reason magazine's Michael Moynihan after the Democrat aired a TV ad blatantly distorting a statement by Republican challenger Daniel Webster.

Read the rest and get a link to the ad here...

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. louielouie4:09 PM

    ....lemme see if i understand this, a guy named daniel webster is running for congress from florida's 8th district?
    LL rolls eyes....
