
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

California Pot Crop Worth More Than Its Wine Industry!!

Yes,it's apparently true...but which which you rather have with a tournedos Rossini y pommes frites, a nice California Cabernet or a joint?

With an initiative on the ballot to legalize marijuana,people have been doing some figuring, and the estimates are that California's pot crop is worth $14 billion, according to a state report, while the wine crop which comes in at a mere $2 billion.

The state, which is basically broke is counting on tax revenues from pot sales to help boost it's flagging economy. What they'll probably find out instead is that many pot growers tend to be an independent lot and would just a soon move product the way they're used to doing without kicking in to the government.

So that tax money will likely just go up in smoke...

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. louielouie4:25 PM

    allow me to be a joint in the mud......
    as i see it, this is a government growing project.
    as those maryjuhwanna growers won't want to pay the revenuer, the state will have to hire more law enforcement officers to roam about the woods looking for the source.
    and that means even more tax dollars.
    of course, i could be up in smoke myself.
    i like to link to this site when people talk about oklahoma's cash crops.
    what are we thinking?
