
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Can TomTancredo Win The Governor's Seat In Colorado?

There's a major development brewing under the wires. Ex GOP Congressman Tom Tancredo's independent candidacy for governor of Colorado is surging. An October 25 survey by the partisan Democrat Public Policy Polling survey showed Tancredo only three points behind the Democratic candidate, Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper. That tracks with a Magellen Strategies poll last week that showed Tancredo trailing by just one point among likely voters. In fact, Tancredo is now within the margin of error in every reputable poll. And this is with a Republican spoiler running!

“We feel fantastic,” Bay Buchanan, Tancredo’s campaign manager, said Tuesday. “We’ve gone from 14 points in August to the low 40s now. It’s a climb of nearly 30 points in a couple months.”

So, how did this happen?

First,the prospective establishment GOP nominee Scott McInnis got caught in a plagiarism scandal, which threw the nomination to the slightly more conservative Dan Maes. The Democrat-favoring Denver Post successfully outed Maes for lying about his resume..among other whoppers, he claimed to have worked undercover with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. Maes is now polling at around five percent.

That left Tancredo as the only viable conservative candidate, and his views on state's rights and curbing illegal aliens struck a huge chord with Colorado's population - especially as Hickenlooper made Denver into a sanctuary city and the state has been rocked by a high profile series of crimes committed by illegal aliens.

In fact, Tancredo’s campaign features an ad that had a man, Marat Kudlis, talking about how his three-year-old son was killed when an illegal immigrant - who had been arrested 16 times inthe Denver metro area but never referred to ICE - crashed his car into a Baskin-Robbins. “Try to sleep at night knowing your policy contributed to his death,” Kudlis tells Hickenlooper.

Tancredo has also successfully gotten beyond just one issue, fusing his anti-illegal alien stance with Tea Party rhetoric calling for smaller government, lower taxes and less spending.

He's also been helped by Hickenlooper making a number of leftist elitist gaffes, such as the one in an interview with transgender PBS host Eden Lane at the Matthew Shepard Foundation named after the Wyoming gay murder victim in which he accused the people of his home state of 'backward thinking', insinuating that his fellow Coloradans were just salivating to commit similar crimes:

Eden Lane
: For the Matthew Shepard foundation to choose Denver to have as it’s home, I think that might surprise some people since they didn’t live in Colorado, he didn’t go to school in Colorado, there really wasn’t that strong a connection. What do you think is it about the environment here in Denver that allowed them to choose this as their home?

Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper: I think a couple things, I mean, you know, the tragic death of Matthew Shepard occurred in Wyoming. Colorado and Wyoming are very similar. We have some of the same, you know, backwards thinking in the kind of rural Western areas you see in, you know, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico.

With Tancredo surging, the big question is whether Maes can siphon off enough Republican votes to keep Tancredo from winning. If Maes were to withdraw, Tancredo would win in a walk.

Colorado was the place where the Obama Democrats planted their flag for what was supposed to be the flagship of the new Democrat dominated era. It's where they held their national convention in 2008 and flew in the fake Greek columns to nominate the ObamaMessiah.

A Tancredo victory here, especially if Ken Buck takes the senate seat would be a head exploding message for the Angry Left.

And probably a welcome change for the people of Colorado.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. louielouie12:02 PM

    this hickuplooper is a dumm mass.
    why the hell not mention oklahoma.
    we gots us plenty 'o backwards thinking people here. besides myself of course. why didn't he mention us?
    dumm mass.

  2. louielouie12:04 PM

    darn, i forgot to ask.
    is tancredo practicing his vice-presidential wave in that photo?
    good form.
