
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Come And Get Me, al-Awlaki!

A little raw courage in the face of Islamist terrorism...from someone who apparently has more stones than the current occupant of the White House.

You go, Zinnia Jones!

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. Anonymous7:03 AM

    fascinating ... more, as you say, erm, mm mm [ having been brought up in a different, older generation, I can't quite use your phraseology, JP ! ] than Owe-bama. Hey, perhaps, grrrl power will save the West ! ( The jettisoning of Hillary in the Dem 2008 prez primaries was a harbinger of the creeping Mahommetanisation of the Dem Party. ) PS : the truly correct epithet should be ' religious founder ' ( or inventor ), eg, religious founder Mohammet, for that evil person was no prophet. ( It's not like the dinosaur media, or mainstream media, resort to the style of Jesus, Son Of God, & 2d person of the trinity ; or Moses, the conveyor & transmitter of God's Laws & the Holy Land ! )


  2. I give her credit for courage, DD.

    And for at least a sense of self preservation. As a homosexual, she understands what Islam,the Qu'ran and sharia mandate for her.

    Many gays, like CNN's Anderson Cooper, who constantly shills for Islam and Islamists have no clue at all about this.
