
Friday, October 01, 2010

It's Official - Rahm Emmanuel Leaves The White House Today

The timing is somewhat odd with the midterms only four weeks away, but White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel apparently has residency and filing deadlines to deal with in order to run for mayor of Chicago, so he is leaving the White House forthwith and being replaced by Senior Adviser to the President Peter Rouse.

This is more than a mere changing of the guard, and it is a clear sign that Obama and his team realize that they may very well lose their majority in Congress and are going into bunker mode.

Rahm Emanuel was a high profile, volatile manipulator with a long history of twisting Democratic arms in Congress. Rouse has a totally different style, being more of a behind the scenes operator with a reputation for making problems go away quietly. And Rouse hasn't accumulated anything like Emanuel's enemies in DC.

That behind the scenes talent could come in very handy. The new Republican majority will have subpoena power and will likely investigate a number of questionable occurrences during Obama's first two years.

Aside from the voting rights case dismissals in the Department of Justice and the associated coverup, there's the president's illegal deal with Big Pharma, the illegal attempts to manipulate primaries in Pennsylvania and Colorado, th ematter of Obama’s campaign deliberately sabotaging the VISA verification software for his campaign website and receiving millions in illegal foreign donations, the Obama administration subverting bankruptcy laws by taking over two large corporations and passing the assets over to their political allies.

And then, of course, there's the there's the still murky connection between Rahm Emmanuel, ex-Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and the apparent selling of Obama's vacant Senate seat to Roland Burris, one of Blagojevich's fundraisers.

Blago basically got off with a wristslap and a hung jury, but there's still that irritating testimony involving Democrat Senate candidate Alex Giannoulias, an old Obama fundraiser and crony. Gianoulias not only admitted that he arranged a meeting between an SEIU envoy ofBlagojevich's and White House advisor Valerie Jarrett about the seat Blagojevich allegedly had for sale,but that he was present..and doesn't 'remember' what anyone talked about.

Any of these areas could provide fruitful areas of investigation for high crimes and misdemeanors by an energetic special prosecutor, if you get my drift.

And a quiet, behind the scenes fixer is likely going to be a lot more helpful to Barack Obama in riding things out than than volatile, high profile DC persona who might end up having to answer a few questions himself.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. B.Poster12:41 PM

    I'm not diametrically opposed to investigating the Obama Administration. If there is a strong possiblity that illegal acts were committed, then they certainly should be investigated.

    Even if there isn't such evidence, I can certainly understand why some would want to investigate Mr. Obama and his team. God knows the Democrats and their media allies stopped at nothing to destroy former President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Sec of Defense Donald Rumsfeld just to name a few. Not only that but they distorted the truth in the process of trying to bring these people down. Did we ever see or hear of Mr. Obama coming to the defense of these men as they were being viciously smeared and attacked in partisian witch hunt after partisian witch hunt? I think the emphatic answer is no. In fact, not only that but Mr. Obama, as the Democrat nominee for President, personally appears to have benefited from these attacks. As such, its not hard to see why someone might want to turn the tables here. Turn abouts fair play, alls fair in love and war some might say.

    Now with all of this said, in your post on the peace process, I lay out six major problems faced by the United States. I would like to add a seventh problem. The country is being invaded by illegal immigrants primarilly from the south. If this invasion is not stopped, these new immigrants will trnsform the conquered areas into the country they came from. If you've ever spent any time in Mexico, I think you can understand why we DO NOT want to bring Mexico here. Please understand this is nothing against individual Mexicans who are actually usually quite nice and hard working. Just think how they, the UN, and the world community might react if Mexico or Central America were being invaded by the United States in a simillar manner. I think we all know the reaction would be much different.

    Sorry about the length of the post. Again, I'm not totally opposed to investigations of the actions of Mr. Obama or his team, however, we MUST ensure that they are conducted in a fair manner. This is primarilly why I never supported formal impeachment hearings against President Bush or members of his team. I simply did not envision how they could get a fair trial and I still don't.

    Now even if we can ensure that Mr. Obama and members of his team get a fair trial, please explain how using time, resources, and energy to conduct these investigations helps to solve any of the seven major problems facing America that I have described elsewhere?

  2. B.Poster12:41 PM

    I'm not diametrically opposed to investigating the Obama Administration. If there is a strong possiblity that illegal acts were committed, then they certainly should be investigated.

    Even if there isn't such evidence, I can certainly understand why some would want to investigate Mr. Obama and his team. God knows the Democrats and their media allies stopped at nothing to destroy former President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Sec of Defense Donald Rumsfeld just to name a few. Not only that but they distorted the truth in the process of trying to bring these people down. Did we ever see or hear of Mr. Obama coming to the defense of these men as they were being viciously smeared and attacked in partisian witch hunt after partisian witch hunt? I think the emphatic answer is no. In fact, not only that but Mr. Obama, as the Democrat nominee for President, personally appears to have benefited from these attacks. As such, its not hard to see why someone might want to turn the tables here. Turn abouts fair play, alls fair in love and war some might say.

    Now with all of this said, in your post on the peace process, I lay out six major problems faced by the United States. I would like to add a seventh problem. The country is being invaded by illegal immigrants primarilly from the south. If this invasion is not stopped, these new immigrants will trnsform the conquered areas into the country they came from. If you've ever spent any time in Mexico, I think you can understand why we DO NOT want to bring Mexico here. Please understand this is nothing against individual Mexicans who are actually usually quite nice and hard working. Just think how they, the UN, and the world community might react if Mexico or Central America were being invaded by the United States in a simillar manner. I think we all know the reaction would be much different.

    Sorry about the length of the post. Again, I'm not totally opposed to investigations of the actions of Mr. Obama or his team, however, we MUST ensure that they are conducted in a fair manner. This is primarilly why I never supported formal impeachment hearings against President Bush or members of his team. I simply did not envision how they could get a fair trial and I still don't.

    Now even if we can ensure that Mr. Obama and members of his team get a fair trial, please explain how using time, resources, and energy to conduct these investigations helps to solve any of the seven major problems facing America that I have described elsewhere?
