
Monday, October 25, 2010

Lisa What'ser Name Questions Joe Miller's Honor In Alaska Senate Debate

Not only does Lisa whozee question West Point graduate, combat veteran, Bronze Star winner and judge Joe Miller on how his West Point instructors and fellow vets would say he’s lived up to his military code of honor, but she goes on in the second half of the clip to deem him ‘not fit to lead’, something that brought loud boos from the audience.

Here is the full debate's well worth watching.

Not only do the personalities of the three candidates come across quite clearly but the actual format of the debate is quite enjoyable and informative, and one I'd insist on if I were a candidate - an interesting combination of a townhall style exchange of opposing views and a good old fashioned knife fight.

After this, I'm convinced Joe Miller is going to be Alaska's next senator. We're going to need leaders like him.

(hat tip, Sarah Palin)

please helps me write more gooder!

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