
Sunday, October 03, 2010

'One Nation' Rally No Comparison To 'Restoring Honor'

The Left has been touting their 'One Nation' rally as bigger than Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' gathering, aided by the usual suspects in the dinosaur media.

As a matter of fact, so anxious was the dinosaur media to pimp this that C-SPAN actually used a Tea Party rally crowd shot in their coverage and represented it as a shot from One Nation:

Click on the image and the Tea Party Gadsden 'Don't Tread On me' flags are clearly visible.

Even the AP admitted the turnout wasn't anything like Beck's rally.

Here's an aerial shot of One Nation from HuffPo (slide 12):

And one from Beck's Restoring Honor:

(h/t Gateway Pundit)

The difference in the crowds is pretty self-evident.

Aside from the fact that the turn out was much smaller than claimed, there were a number of other significant differences....and Doug Ross has a nifty photo essay of pictures from the event the dinosaur media will never show you that shows these differences quite clearly.

Among other things, the 'Restoring Honor' had no need to bus thousands of SEIU and other union members in to gag the numbers.

Another difference was how the Mall looked afterward.

Beck's crowd picked up after themselves and left the Mall like they found it. The One Nation Leftards? That's another matter:

And as for Obama, far be it from him to actually mix with the commies, grievance cowboys and bussed in union foot soldiers urging people to vote Democrat at this particular seethe-fest. He gave it a miss and ran off to Camp David for yet another vacay.

I also note with interest the presence of NAACP President Benjamin Jealous as a speaker at a partisan political rally, saying that the gathering was 'not the alternative to the Tea Party but the antidote for the Tea Party."

I have absolutely no problem with the aptly named Jealous voicing his opinions - except for the fact that he was there representing a tax exempt civil rights organization that is legally required to be non-partisan.

The NAACP has degenerated into little more than a front group designed to keep blacks voting on the Democrat party's plantation, and it's long past time that their tax-exempt status was revoked.

UPDATE: Byron York, Marooned in Marin, Warner Todd Houston at Big Journalism and Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters have some notable commentary and discussion on this travesty of a 'grass roots rally.'

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. Very well said, Rob. The NAACP is a democrat organization which uses the skin color of its members to produce votes for the Democratic party.

    They don't care for black people (obvious by the fact how they ignored how Ken Gladney was treated) by only for the democratic party.

  2. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Nice ... I love the "Obama vacay" comment.

    What former president was on a vacation while our economy tanked? Illegitimate Bush :)

  3. Chuckle. Obama beat President Bush's golfing time in both of Bush's terms combined over a year ago.

    Bush gave it up because he didn't feel it looked right to be playing golf while American troops were in harm's way.

    Of Course, Zero's a very different kind of president.

    That's why the polls now say more people want Bush back than think Zero deserves to be re-elected (39%, Gallup).

    Obama's in a class by himself,partly because probably like you,he's a whiny pain in the butt who constantly blames others for his failures...

    Obama makes Carter look strong, Clinton look honest and Bush look like a genius! And I didn't think anyone could make Bush look like a genius.

    Have a nice November.
