
Monday, October 04, 2010

Some Religions Are More Equal Than Others Dept.

My pal Greg over at Rhymes With Right has an interesting story about the difference between what happens when you defame Christianity as opposed to insulting Islam:

In a shocking display of hypocrisy, President Barack Obama today said not a damn thing about an attack on Christian sensitivities and symbols that is taking place in Loveland, Colorado.

The attack he's referring to is an 'art' exhibit shown in a public museum at taxpayer expense that shows Jesus engaged in homosexual sex acts.

As he points out, a threatened Qu'ran burning brings out the dinosaur media, the chattering classes and even Congress members, the president and the Secretary of Defense in high outrage leaning on a private citizen destroying his own property. A public defaming of Jesus and Christianity? Ummm, not so much.

Although, as Greg found, there apparently is another part of the same work of 'art' that could change that situation and turn the 'artist's' life into a living hell if it gets some over to Rhymes With Right to find out what it is.

please helps me write more gooder!

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