
Friday, November 05, 2010

Obama Not Taking A Fleet With Him After All

I am relieved to report that Barack Obama is not taking a fleet of US warships with him to India.

India's democracy is safe, at least for the time being.

The Indian media apparently miscounted - by quite a bit. And even Drudge got taken in.

Nor is the cost for Obama's 10-day Asian vacay quite as high as reported, although the White House won't say how much they're spending or exactly how many ships actually are involved. I think cutting the original report of $2 billion in half is probably a safe number, given the huge entourage, the vehicles and aircraft involved and the army of security.

Extravagant and unnecessary, but just not as insane as it seemed to be. Still as Allah Pundit remarked, an administration that can spend the amount of money and rack up debt the way Obama has makes anything seem possible.

(via memeorandum)

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