
Friday, November 05, 2010

Peggy Noonan Calls Sarah Palin A 'Nincompoop'

One half of what could have been a great column...but then Peggy Noonan's Palin Derangement Syndrome had to kick in.Pity.

Noonan's latest makes two cogent points - first that she's finally done with Obama:

On to the aftermath of the election. On Wednesday President Obama gave a news conference to share his thoughts. Viewers would have found it disappointing if there had been any viewers. The president is speaking, in effect, to an empty room. From my notes five minutes in: "This wet blanket, this occupier of the least interesting corner of the faculty lounge, this joy-free zone, this inert gas." By the end I was certain he will never produce a successful stimulus because he is a human depression.

Actually I thought the worst thing you can say about a president: that he won't even make a good former president. {...}

What Democrats have to learn from this election: Cut loose from that. Join with Republicans where you can, create legislation together, send the bill to the White House, see what happens. Even as the Republicans have succeeded in getting out from under George W. Bush, this is your chance to get out from under Mr. Obama, and possibly prosper in 2012 whatever happens to him.

The other cogent point Noonan makes is that the Tea Party Movement needs to realize both the message and the messenger is important, as she compares Marco Rubio with a Sharron Angle or a Christine O'Donnell. She has a point. But what she of course fails to get, like most ruling class elitists is that these people didn't nominate themselves. The voters did. And that even a well-spoken, gaffe free 'moderate' candidate can end up losing - ask Dino Rossi in Washington State about that.

At that point, Noonan's usual Palin Derangement Syndrome kicks in, sparked by Governor Palin's common sense answer to questions on FOX about her TV show about Alaska and 'Dancing With The Stars'..."Wasn't Ronald Reagan an actor? Wasn't he in 'Bedtime for Bonzo,' Bozo, something? Ronald Reagan was an actor."

Noonan's response was to say that Palin was ignorant and to go through Reagan's pre-Presidential resume, referring to his Hollywood profession as 'an artist'.

I have no doubt that the Gipper himself would have chuckled at that one, recalling all the lame movies he was compelled to make to earn that weekly paycheck, keep from angering the studio bosses and getting placed on suspension. And I doubt that President Reagan would have put hosting the GE Theater each week under the category of 'art'. Being a working actor didn't make him less of a great man, anymore than Palin sitting in the 'Dancing With The Stars' audience to root for her daughter diminished her. Noonan, of course, either missed that simple reality or chose to ignore it, as her PDS kicked in full strength:

The point is not "He was a great man and you are a nincompoop," though that is true. The point is that Reagan's career is a guide, not only for the tea party but for all in politics. He brought his fully mature, fully seasoned self into politics with him. He wasn't in search of a life when he ran for office, and he wasn't in search of fame; he'd already lived a life, he was already well known, he'd accomplished things in the world.

This 'nincompoop' as Noonan referred to her is directly responsible for GOP gains in this election. along with Jim DeMint. It was Palin in particular who kept the Tea Party movement within the Republican Party when she could have taken them third party for her own aggrandizement , and without the Tea Party things would be very different for the GOP today.

Governor Palin had the ninja political skills to go from being the defeated VP candidate in one of the most inept campaigns in recent memory to the hottest political ticket in America...and she did it on her own, outside the GOP establishment.

I and many others haven't forgotten how Peggy Noonan shilled for Obama during the '08 election and told us how wonderful he was going to be. Palin, on the other hand, had his number from Day One.

So who's the 'nincompoop', Peggy Noonan?

And that bit about accomplishment? Sarah Palin has been a mayor,a member of an important energy board in Alaska who took on the fat cats in her own party for corruption and won, a governor who took on Big oil, balanced Alaska's budget and put through a vital energy pipeline that had been sitting in limbo for thirty years, a successful small business owner, a vice presidential candidate, and she's now a best selling author, speaker, political voice and TV commentator whose fans mob her wherever she goes. And she's still in her forties.

And what was it Peggy Noonan accomplished again? A few speeches written a quarter of a century ago, a couple of books, writing a weekly column and attending a few of the right Manhattan cocktail parties.Oh, yes, and lying to her readers.

Whatever else she's done, Sarah Palin has made a difference, a positive change in America's political climate. Peggy Noonan never will, and that probably fuels her rage as much as anything.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    What Noonan and the establsiment Republicans do not understand is we tea party people REALLY object to RINOs and would rather vote them out even if it means the Dems win. Noonan is "simply" a Republican and any Republican will do. Tea party'ers want politicians who put our constitution first and party second.

  2. louielouie10:26 AM

    awwwwww, pegg didn't get invited on hussein's trip thingy.
    noonan is a dumm mass.

    corrected for my comment:

    On to the aftermath of the election. On Wednesday noonan wrote an article to share her thoughts. readers would have found it disappointing if there had been any readers. noonan is writing, in effect, to an empty room. From my notes five sentences in: "This wet blanket, this occupier of the least interesting corner of the faculty lounge, this joy-free zone, this inert gas." By the end I was certain she will never be able to find her own ass using both hands.

    Actually I thought the worst thing you can say about a columnist: that she won't even make a good former columnist. {...}

    What reporters have to learn from this election: Cut loose from that. Join with the pajamas crowd where you can, create information and news together, send this information to the public at large. Even as other columnists have succeeded in getting over their own self importance, this is your chance to get out from under a rock, and possibly matter once again.
    possibly not.

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Well said.
    Noonan writes about "maturity" then devolves to grade-school name calling. Sorry no 1/2 credit. Noonan is no better than Joyless Behar.

  4. Peg made some good points, but then she went into "Karl Rove" mode with her tea party comments.

    Like many in the Snobby Clique Class, Peg is more worried about style than about substance:

    "Electable means mature, accomplished, stable—and able to persuade."

    I suppose Joe Miller's challenge in AK is that Joe is immature, unstable, unpersuasive and he has no accomplishments. Or maybe it has something to do with a petulant member of the Snobby Clique Class...

    Peg knows exactly what the Tea party needs to do:

    " the future the tea party is going to have to ask itself: Is this candidate electable?"

    Does Peg REALLY think this smart advice?

    Let's not forget that you go to war with the army you have.

    I'm sure most tea party sympathizers would LOVE to run a Reagan in every election, but we can't sit around waiting for ideal candidates.

  5. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Peegy Noohan failed to notice that Marco Rubio begin his campaign more than a year and a half before the Florida primary; early on in his campaign he noted how he could not believe he had to "run as a insurgent Conservative in the Republican Party"

    Early on the Republican Party told Rubio that "HE CAN'T WIN".

    Thankfully he instead Went Rogue!

    Had Marco Rubio ignored the GOP's request that he stay out of the race because he was too young and inexperienced and CAN'T WIN then America would be stuck with Sen Charlie Crist.

    THe fact that Noonan is holding up Rubio as example of great campaigner is her testament to the fact that she has no idea what she is saying.

    Rubio is like all the other Tea Party candidates-they all ran as insurgent Conservatives- the difference is that Rubio got a head start in the game long before Rove, Krauthammer, Noonan's Ruling Class could destroy him.

  6. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "Governor Palin had the ninja political skills to go from being the defeated VP candidate ... to the hottest political ticket in America...and she did it on her own."

    With Rupert Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity on her side, who else does she need?

  7. Hello Anonymous 8:29AM.

    I'm sure you didn't notice,but after the 2008 campaign not only was Sarah Palin consigned to the anonymity that normally befalls failed VP candidates,but she was trashed by the people who ran one of the most inept campaigns in modern history as a 'diva' and 'ignorant',something John McCain disgracefully did absolutely nothing to stop. As a matter of fact, he went on Jay Leno and actually fed the fires.

    Sarah Palin started on her road to return from that point with absolutely nothing,and she did it on her own.

    If you find yourself unable to credit her for that,it is your problem - not hers.

    Rob Miller
