
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Failed Asylum Seeker Allowed To Stay In UK After Hit And Run Killing Of 12 year Old

The rot continues in the UK.

Aso Mohammed Ibrahim, 33, is an Iraqi failed asylum seeker with a string of prior convictions who who left 12-year-old Amy Houston to die after he hit her with his car in Blackburn, Lancashire, in November 2003 while he was already serving a nine-month driving ban for not having insurance or a license. He then fled the scene.

He had prior convictions for Possession of cannabis, Burglary and theft, and criminal damage (probably what we would refer to as vandalism here).

Ibrahim's sentence for the hit and run killing? Four months in prison.

Today, two UK senior immigration judges rejected a final appeal by the UK Border Agency to have him deported back to Iraq, and Ibrahim is going to be allowed to live in the UK permanently.

Ibrahim's lawyers argued that his human rights would be impinged if he was sent back to Iraq, and that he would 'be deprived of the benefits of family life' - Ibrahim has two children with a British woman he met after the accident, but apparently does not live at the same address.

Houston's father was outraged.

"I'm really angry. We should all be angry. It is a ridiculous state of affairs,' he said.

"I'm battling away here on my own. This is a perversity of our society.

What are the judges saying here? They are saying it doesn't matter what you do when you come here, who you kill, what laws you break, as long as you have a child here you can stay?

You work hard, play by the rules, pay your taxes and this is how you get treated. What does that say about politicians, our leaders and the legal system? It's a joke.

They are obsessed with the rights of others from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. Where are my human rights?

This man is a criminal, do we have no say who we allow in this country?

He's not a life-saving surgeon or a Nobel prize winner. He was a criminal before, a criminal now and he will continue being a criminal.

The Human Rights Act is for everybody, not just asylum seekers and terrorists.

How can he say he's deprived of his right to a family life? The only person deprived of a family life is me. Amy was my only family."

He was not allowed to address judges at the last appeal hearing.

If certain trends are allowed to continue here in America, consider the above story a warning.

(hat tip, Elisa V.)

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. Anonymous4:29 AM

    This is terribly said and outrageous. But it is still up to the average Brit to change what is happening in their country.Time for the citizens of Britain to take matters into their own hands and demand that their government protect their rights.Honestly they could use a Tea party type of movement.

  2. B.Poster7:11 AM

    "If certain trens are allowed to continue here in America consider the above story a warning."

    With all due respect I think its past the "warning" stage we are already there right now. At least in Europe, it appears they are beginning to fight things like this and things like the Islamization of their countries.

    Here in America we aren't and these types of miscarriages of justice you mention above are every bit as common here as in Britian perhaps worse here. I'd say things are far worse here in America than they are in Britian.
