
Thursday, December 02, 2010

Major Fire In Israel

There is a disastrous fire going on in Israel as I write this that has already claimed at least 40 lives.

The fire has been raging out of control for hours since 11 AM this morning in Northern Israel in the Carmel region, near Kibbutz Beit Oren and Haifa.Many locations have already been evacuated.

It's being reported that the fire has four sources, which indicates that it's likely arson. It's warm (low 80's) and dry in Israel today, and heavy winds are making the fire difficult to bring under control.

The Israelis have requested aid from Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Russia in putting out the fire with 'super scooper' planes to drop water over the affected areas.

The deaths came when 40 Prison Service cadets were making their way to Damon Prison to evacuate prisoners there were burned alive when the bus they were traveling on was caught in the fire.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the fire as a "catastrophe the likes of which we have never known. We will have to draw many lessons in order to deal with catastrophes of this kind but right now, everything must be about saving lives."

The prime minister praised the firefighters' work and said they were handling the fire with courage and dedication. He then traveled to the site of the fire.

please helps me write more gooder!

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