
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sarah Palin In Haiti On Humanitarian Mission

Governor Palin's latest stop isn't some trendy resort like Cancun or the glitz of the Beltway. She's down in the trenches in Haiti, in the middle of an out of control cholera epidemic that's already claimed more than 2,000 lives. And the country is still in relative chaos after the earthquake that destroyed thousands of homes and buildings and killed almost a quarter of a million people.

She's there as part of a humanitarian delegation led by evangelist Franklin Graham and his relief organization Samaritan's Purse.

For those of you who have read either of her books and what she's written about her faith, her going to Haiti isn't exactly a surprise.

"I am pleased that Gov. Palin will accompany us on a brief trip to Haiti this weekend, and I appreciate her willingness to visit Haiti during such troubled times," Graham said in a statement on the organization's website.

"I believe Gov. Palin will be a great encouragement to the people of Haiti and to the organizations, both government and private, working so hard to provide desperately needed relief."

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