
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Al-Guardian Hits A New Low - They're Now The Official Mouthpiece For Hamas

Britain's Guardian has been a Left wing anti-Semitic rag for quite some time now, so it certainly shouldn't be a surprise that they now feature op-eds by members of Hamas.

This one, written by Osama Hamdan, head of the Hamas 'international relations' department gets one thing very right. Hamas is the democratically elected voice of the 'Palestinians'. Abbas and the rest of the Fatah mafia were simply a means to funnel cash to the 'Palestinians' and please people like the Saudis without being too overt about backing the underlying murderous intentions.

Now the West is going to have to decide whether their love affair with the 'Palestinians' extends to funding and supporting genocidal terrorists backed by Iran who consider murdering Jewish women and children a holy act.

In Britain at least, I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was that they're just fine with that.

please helps me write more gooder!

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