
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Senator Kent Conrad Announces Retirement, Creates GOP Pickup Opportunity

Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) announced today that he will retire in 2012 and will not seek re-election.

As a deeply Red state with a Democrat incumbent who supported most of President Obama's agenda, North Dakota was seen as a prime target for a Republican takeover in 2012 even before Conrad's announcement.

Republicans in North Dakota are looking at Public Service Commissioner Brian Kalk who had already announced an exploratory committee and former Gov. Ed Schafer as possible candidates to run for the seat.

Former Rep. Earl Pomeroy and former state Attorney General Heidi Heitkamp are seen as possible Democrat candidates.

With Conrad's announcement, both parties could see some additional candidates, especially in a relatively small and sparsely populated state.

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1 comment:

  1. louielouie1:33 PM

    the representative from dr. coburn's office made reference to the 23 dims/10 repubs up for re-election in 2012 when he came by the store last week.
    the 1986 number, from the w/p article, doesn't add up for 6 year terms. he must have done a partial term?
    his comment about not running is really funny to myself.
    they don't read the legislation they pass, how would solving any problem interfere with running a campaign?
