
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Liz Taylor, RIP

Elizabeth Taylor passed away today at the age of 79,of congestive heart failure.

She was admitted to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles 'for monitoring' last month.

Taylor's son, Michael Wilding, said in a statement: 'We will always be inspired by her enduring contribution to our world.

'My Mother was an extraordinary woman who lived life to the fullest, with great passion, humour, and love.

He added: 'Though her loss is devastating to those of us who held her so close and so dear, we will always be inspired by her enduring contribution to our world.

'Her remarkable body of work in film, her ongoing success as a businesswoman, and her brave and relentless advocacy in the fight against HIV/AIDS, all make us all incredibly proud of what she accomplished. We know, quite simply, that the world is a better place for Mum having lived in it.

'Her legacy will never fade, her spirit will always be with us, and her love will live forever in our hearts.'

She earned four Oscar nominations- for Raintree County, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Suddenly, Last Summer - finally winning at her fourth attempt with film Butterfield 8. She later got a second Oscar in 1967 for Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?.

Like a certain English king, she was married 8 times, to 7 different husbands (She married Richard Burton twice).

In addition to her children, she is survived by ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

So long Liz. RIP.

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. she is very beautiful actress and talented actress. I like to watch her movie again and again.
