
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Morning News Wire...


Radiation From Latest Blast Could Reach Tokyo by Nightfall...

Radiation Levels Rise, Then Fall

Worries mount, food runs short for Japanese victims

Stocks Hammered by Japan Crisis

China to extend more support to quake-hit Japan: Wen
Aerial footage of devastation
Germany to shut down seven reactors...


1,000 Saudi troops move into Bahrain...

Iran Calls Saudi Troops In Bahrain 'Unacceptable'; Accuses US of Interference

Bahrain recalls ambassador to Tehran

Libyan Rebels lose last stronghold east of Benghazi

Clinton Meets with Libya Rebels

France fails to get G8 accord on Libya no-fly zone

Israeli FM Lieberman visits Itamar following terror attack

Bill in Israeli Knesset calls for revoking citizenship of person accused of treason, spying

IDF seizes Iranian Gaza-bound arms vessel - en route from Turkey

Clinton makes first visit to post-Mubarak Egypt

Petraeus: Afghan Gains Are Fragile

Sudan Talks Fall Apart


TIME mag calls Wisc governor 'Dead Man Walker'...

Confidence in U.S. Government Hits 35-Year Low

CNN: Obama Approval drops to 50 percent

RASMUSSEN: Obama Approval 43%

NRA Refuses To Meet With Obama on Gun Policy

Obama Urges Supreme Court Not to Jump Into Health Care Law Cases 'Prematurely'

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. louielouie12:51 PM

    this from the healthcare article link:

    he may lack sufficient standing to challenge the health care law.

    remember that phrase?
    from the b/c issue.
    no one has legal standing.
    no one will have legal standing in the healthcare issue. REGARDLESS.
    states attoney generals.
    individuals who will be directly affected by this economic tsunami?
    healthcare providers?
    no one has legal standing.
