
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

NPR Exec 'Resigns' From New Job At Aspen Institute

Another one bites the dust...ex-NPR fundraiser Ron Schiller, who was caught on tape by a couple of fax-jihadis nodding enthusiastically to their anti-Semitic statements and dissing Conservatives has 'resigned' from his new job at the Aspen Institute. Here's their statement on the matter:

Ron Schiller has informed us that, in light of the controversy surrounding his recent statements, he does not feel that it’s in the best interests of the Aspen Institute for him to come work here.

I'll just bet it wasn't.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. louielouie3:59 PM

    oh puuhleeze............
    went to their web site.
    this guy would be the perfect fit.
    good thing i went to their website, i was gonna make some comment about a place where they do sex change operations.

  2. No, the sex change one is the Electric Eggbeater institute.

    I agree, Schiller would have fit but he's toxic now. And there's more to come..apparently the PBS people met with the faux jihadis too.
