
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Obama Support Among Independents Plummets

According to the Reuters/Ipsos poll ( which oversamples Democrats by 12 %) Presiodent Obama's approval ratings among independents took a sharp dive, to 37 percent from 47 percent.

Additionally, a record 64% of those polled say that America is on the wrong track.

Obama's overall job approval when averaged for all polls is around 47%, with a 45.8 disapproval rating. Rasmussen, who polls likely voters as opposed to registered voters show Obama's disapproval rating at 52%.

Polls are fairly meaningless at this point, but these are not good numbers for an incumbent president,especially one as polarizing as Obama with 9.5% unemployment and gas at four bucks a gallon.

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. louielouie10:55 AM

    i'm confused about which way to be confused by these numbers.
    how can 64% of a nation say it's on the wrong track, and give the so-called leader of that nation a JAR of 47%?
    how can a nation have 9.5% unemployment, and gas at four bucks a gallon, and give the so-called leader of that nation a JAR of 47%?
    the other thing is that 9.5% is only the published number. that only indicates the number of people receiving U/E benefits. some have placed the actual number as high as 22%.
    it makes me wonder, out loud, what happens when the U/E rate gets to 40%, and gasoline is ten bucks a gallon?
    maybe elmer gantry with a tan's number will sink. maybe a point or, g-d forbid, all of two points.
    and in an unrelated matter, the electoral college certified it's vote count today in the 2012 election.
    hussein wins.
    362 - 315
    tomorrow they will certify the 2016 election.
    dumber than a sack of hair.

  2. I appreciate the snark,Louie.

    Remember what I told you about polls, it all depends on whom you ask and what you ask them.

    Obama's JAR includes people on a spectrum who from people who think he's the Second Coming to those who might mildly approve of some of what he's doing but would probably not vote to re-elect him.

    Race is a factor too - a lot of people are not going to diss a black president even to a pollster over the phone, no matter what they actually think. I see that factor alone as worth at least five points.

    2011 is going to be a shakeout year for the economy IMO, and I don't see things getting better before the election.

    It's too early to predict anything ( the GOP has a history of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory ) but I don't see the numbers favoring Obama's election.

    I will make one prediction. If the Republicans don't get their act together in DC,2012 will likely be their last election, as a new party arises.


  3. louielouie11:35 AM

    regarding your last para.
    i have seen where some tea party members are already looking for someone to run against boehner.

  4. louielouie11:37 AM

    I appreciate the snark,Louie.

    always glad to contribute.

  5. No to be an uppity monkey, but $3.63 and 8.9%.

    Remember, there are lies, damn lies, and statistics.

    In other news, I remember being extremely tense for months (while employed in $600 a day consulting engagement at a megabank, the likes of which are but a wet dream right now) during W's re-election campaign against Mr. Ketchup.

    When Bam-Bam runs against a Republican yet to be named and hopefully someone not in the current field of likely contenders, I will probably need a nightly cocktail of Ambien, Percoset and cheap gin to sleep at all...hopefully Michael Jackson's doctor will be available for consultation.

    If it's not abundantly clear right now, Louie's Sack-O-hair comments are making me really nervous. We cannot survive 4 more years of commie amateur hour.

  6. I'll accept the correction on the faux unemployment rate ( we both know it's actually higher). But gas prices in Oregon appear to be less than in California, where they range from about $3.89 to $4.25 per gallon already...depending on location.

    This is largely a function of higher retail prices in the big cities and much higher sales and state taxes in Cali.

    I think, as I said above, that Zero is quite vulnerable. We'll just have to see what develops.

