
Monday, March 07, 2011

Sarah Palin - Will She Run And Can She Win?

The BBC asks the question, as they interviewed Governor Palin briefly in Alaska while she was cheering on her husband Todd's Iron Dog team.

She gave the sort of answers you'd expect:

"Obama has already said he's going to spend a billion dollars (£615.4m) on this race, so money is certainly going to be a consideration," Sarah Palin told me.

"And just the idea of whether the American electorate is ready for someone a bit unconventional, who is willing to tell it as she sees it, not be beholden to special interest or such obsessive partisanship as to let a political machine get in the way of doing what's right for the voters."

Being foreigners from across the Pond who voluntarily disarm themselves and pay crushing taxes merely because their government says so, they're no doubt bemused at the idea of someone they look at as a gun toting hockey mom from America's outback sitting in the Oval Office, as opposed to an urban sophisticate like Barack Hussein Obama.

Just as a courtesy, perhaps I ought to let them in on a few things.

America's economy is in dire straits, and while it's not entirely due to that 'sophisticate' in the White House, he exacerbated what was a manageable problem into a crisis...on steroids. Moreover, his feckless leadership, disdain for traditional American values and imperious attitude don't sit well with most Americans, no matter what some of the polls ( some of which oversample Democrats by as much as 15 or 20%) might indicate.

The economy isn't going to improve much in the next two years. And Americans, unlike their British counterparts are not going to take kindly to record gas prices in the name of non-existent 'green energy' and 'green jobs' or the gutting and rationing of the best healthcare system in the world by the hugely unpopular ObamaCare.

Nor is the problem of a number of Chicago-style scandals and violations of federal law by this administration going to go away, now that Rep. Darrell Issa and the Republican led House Oversight Committee have subpoena power.

In short, billion dollar war chest or no, President Obama is quite vulnerable come November 2012.

And in my opinion, he's particularly vulnerable to a common sense housewife from Wasilla who understands that energy creation is the key to our prosperity, isn't afraid to say exactly what she thinks and has already demonstrated that she's a lot sharper than the cartoon character she's been portrayed as.

Actually, the treatment she and her family have received from the Dinosaur Media works in her favor. Not only is she a known quantity about whom everything negative that could possibly be dreamed up has already been trumpeted in the headlines,but Governor Palin has already proved that she can stand up to the worst the media can throw at her...and throw it right back at them when necessary.

Governor Sarah Palin embodies the old-style American values of independence, optimism and love for individual freedom, and she combines that with ninja political skills and a gift for phrase making that connects with her fellow citizens in a unique and visceral way. She's the epitome of the end to business as usual in Washington. Which, of course, is exactly why she's been singled out for demonization by the Left.

On a personal level,she's the only one I trust implicitly to do what needs doing and put America back on track where it belongs. And I'm hardly alone in that.

Will she run? I haven't a clue.But there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that if she decides to go for it, the Obamas had better start planning to change addresses.

(via memeorandum)

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. louielouie12:46 PM

    ...... and then there are those people who come into my store and say they won't voter for her, because they can't stand her voice.
    this is the elected office of the former leader of the free world we're talking about, and that is what they use as a litmus test.
    as for hussein spending a billion dollars, that's just how much he says he's going to spend.
    no one dare keep track of the actual number.

  2. B.Poster10:34 AM

    Will she run? Can she win> Well the first rule of thumb here is NEVER take what the main stream media tells us at face value. They tell us she can't win. Therefoe I'm going to assume she can win, if she runs. Now for the 2nd question. Will she run?

    If she runs, she cannot run as a Republican. The Republican party will disband itself before they allow her to represent them with the nomination. If it gets to that point and it appears she has a decent shot a winning, the Republicans and the Democrats will combine parties to become either the "Republocrats" or "Democlians" or something to this effect.

    The combination of the two parties will be for the purpose of defeating Mrs. Palin and crushing the "tea party" once and for all. Both major parties harbor a very special hatred for both the "tea party" and Mrs. Palin. As such, they will cobine forces if necessary to destroy both of them. Once the destruction of common enemies is complete, there will be plenty of time to resume their fued with each other. At least this is likely to be the thinking.

    For the Republicans this is especailly problematic. The tea party and supporters of Mrs. Palin provide alot of the energy at the grassroots level that the Republicans need to be competitive. To try and destroy them does not seem logical but this is what they are going to do. Hatred does this. It blinds people to reality. It would be far better for them to try and reach a compromise with the tea party. Mrs. Palin, and her supporters. Alas, they are not thinking that way.

    Mrs. Palin is like a paper cut to both major parties. If you ignore it, it will get well and its own. In other words, it will fade away and be gone. If you pick at it, it can become infected. As long as they continue to pick at their "Palin cut" it may become infected and they may not be able to contain it.

  3. What B.Poster commented is probably true. However, I believe she will run and can become the GOP candidate despite the GOP elite. And then, despite opposition from the Dems and GOP elite, give a good go at beating Obama. She does have millions of people on her side already, and stranger things have happened. Who would have guessed we would elect a socialist for president in 2008? I mean, socialism doesn’t fit well with the individual liberty foundation of our constitution.
