
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Two Heroes Return Home

Lance Corporal Liam Tasker, from Kirkcaldy in Fife was a team with his sniffer dog Theo.The soldier and his dog specialized in ferreting out IED's and weapons caches and had made 14 finds in five months while on the frontlines.

The team was so good at uncovering explosives and weapons, their tour of Afghanistan was extended by a month.

Then Lance Corporal Tasker was shot dead by a Taliban sniper while on patrol in Helmand.And his teammate Theo died of a seizure shortly after his master.

When Lance Corporal Tasker's body was flown home for burial, the British Army saw to it that the ashes of the 26-year-old's dog Theo were flown home on the same plane.

They fought together, and will be buried together.

Since he was from Fife, I think the traditional tribute to fallen warriors is called for...

please helps me write more gooder!

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