
Sunday, March 06, 2011

UK Muslim Scientist Receives Death Threats Over Darwinist Views

Dr Usama Hasan, a physics lecturer at Middlesex University and a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society is in trouble.

The poor fellow had the nerve to try and square his Islamic beliefs with the theory of evolution - otherwise known as 'intelligent design' when done by Christians and Jews - and ended up recanting when he started receiving death threats as an apostate.

Dr. Hasan intended to return to Masjid al-Tawhid, a mosque in Leyton, East London, for the first time since he delivered a lecture there entitled "Islam and the theory of evolution".

But according to his sister, police advised him not to attend because they couldn't be responsible for his safety. Instead his father, Suhaib, head of the mosque's committee of trustees, posted a notice on his behalf expressing regret over his comments. "I seek Allah's forgiveness for my mistakes and apologize for any offense caused," the statement read.

Masjid Tawhid is a prominent mosque which also runs one of the country's largest sharia courts, the Islamic Sharia Council. Dr. Hasan, of course, should have known better, as sharia is fairly explicit in these matters.

His lecture at the mosque was interrupted by men he described as "fanatics" who distributed leaflets claiming that "Darwin is blasphemy".

"One man came up to me during the lecture and said 'You are an apostate and should be killed'," Dr Hasan told The Independent. "I want to go back – I've been going to the mosque for 25 years. It is my favourite mosque in London, and I have been active in the community for a long time. I hope my positive contribution will outweigh their feelings towards me."

Uh, sorry, no. The mosque issued a statement saying that Dr Hasan had been dismissed from his position as vice-chairman and imam at the mosque, and describing his views as a "source of antagonism in the Muslim community". Neither he nor his father were present at the meeting that voted for his dismissal.

I have no way of knowing, but it would be interesting to see what Dr. Hasan's position was on the death fatwas issued against author Salman Rushdie or the MoToons cartoonists.

As the Blind Sheik famously said, "Islam is Islam."

(via memeorandum)

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