
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Video: Wisconsin GOP Senator Saved From Union Lynch Mob By Dem Senator

This is absolutely...unhinged.

Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grothman (in the white hair and glasses)is chased and trapped by a mob of 'peaceful' leftist union demonstrators.The action starts at about 2:50.

In my opinion, Grothman was only saved from violence being done to his person by the appearance of Democrat State Senator Brett Hulsey ( orange union tee and sports jacket).

There is a problem with what some people have referred to as 'incivility' in America's political discourse. But that 'incivility' is almost entirely a creation of the Left, as I pointed out previously. It's not endemic in all of the Left ( note the demonstrators trying to calm the mob by chanting 'peaceful')but fro a large chunk, it's simply in their DNA. You need only remember this video to realize it.

Michelle Malkin has more.

(H/t Allah via memeorandum)

please helps me write more gooder!


  1. I watched all of this here about an hour ago. What a terrifying situation to be in. It appears the door was locked and the Senator could not get away from the crowd. I think I heard a woman yelling the F-U combo more than once.

    I know Grothman was wondering when he would slammed from the back. While I appreciate the Democrat congressman, it's shameful that he had to praise them for being peaceful.

  2. Hello Maggie,
    Welcome to Joshua's Army.

    The way I see it, this was kind of a 'whatever it takes' situation.

    This crowd was bordering on real violence.I'd likewise heard that th edoor was locked and the senator was trapped by the mob.

    If it took appealing to their better nature, their vanity or doing old Seinfeld bits, all praise to the Democrat senator for doing whatever needed to be done.

