
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Harrowing Interview With A Victim of Regime Rape And Torture In Iran

And this is the regime the Obama Administration wants to 'engage with', and is allowing to acquire nuclear weapons.

(Hat tip, The Elder)

please helps me write more gooder!

1 comment:

  1. B.Poster7:25 PM

    "...and is allowing to acquire nuclear weapons." I would agree with you that stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons is not a top priority for the Obama Administration, however, I don't think it is a question necessarily of "allowing." By suggesting the Obama Administration is "allowing" something you are implying that the Obama Administration and by extension the United States of America has it within its power to actually prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. The notion that America has it within its power on its own to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons is questionable at best.

    More likely a group of "western" nations working together MIGHT be able to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. It is unliekly that America without the assistance of other nations can prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Therefore the premise that America or the Obama Administration is "allowing" Iran to acquire nuclear weapons is strictly incorrect.
