
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Huge Forest Fire Near Jerusalem; Arson Suspected

A huge forest fire near Jerusalem is reported as contained after menacing Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem and burning about 150 dunams of forest land.

Eight people – five firefighters and three employees at Yad Vashem who assisted in containing the fire around the museum – were treated for smoke inhalation by Magen David Adom. Four were sent to the hospital.

After the Carmel fires last year, the Israelis were much better prepared for this one, even with a second fire going on in the Golan Heights centered around the Ein Tina nature reserve. The Israelis invested a substantial amount in new equipment and training after the deadly arson fueled Carmel fire last year.

According to Jerusalem Fire and Rescue Services spokesman Asaf Abras, the Jerusalem fire started simultaneously in four different places, which pretty much means it was almost certainly set deliberately.

Now who do you suppose might have done such a thing? Three guesses.

please helps me write more gooder!

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