
Monday, August 01, 2011

By The Way, Terrorist Attacks On Israel Have Never Stopped..They Just Aren't Reported

There's no better proof to me that Israel is the Jew among nations than by the cavalier attention paid by the media to attacks against its civilians.

In the month of July alone, there were 26 rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza, all of them directed at civilians. At least two of them were fired at schools. August began with yet another such attack, aimed at the Israeli town of Hof Ashkelon. It hit an Israeli Bedouin tent site and left a 55-year-old woman with what were described as light to moderate wounds from shrapnel, with two others being treated for shock.

These rocket attacks have destroyed homes and property, wounded many and murdered 20 Israeli civilians thus far. Any of them could be part if your family.Yet the world expects the Israelis to treat this as normal and keep enduring it!

Would any other country? Would we accept it here?

This is war, and as far as I'm concerned the Israelis would be fully justified in using their military to destroy the threat from Gaza permanently...just like any other country faced with ongoing acts of war aimed at its territory.

please helps me write more gooder!

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